Best seller Youth Dialogues: People and Economy(Chinese Edition) Full

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HardCover. Pub Date :2014-03-01 Pages: 300 Publisher: Oriental Press Youth Dialogues: People and economy Wang Dingding thinking about the market and the economy. in fact. consists of three levels. one with Chinese characteristics under market economy. that well-intentioned government or because of ignorance or excessive criticism of intervention in the market. such as well-intentioned draconian. the second is for the market to fully play its regulatory role after the results calm. objective knowledge that is bound The we do not like the results. three is even realize the full market. will bring new problems. such as the Western market economy countries emerging issues. Therefore. this book focuses on the first two. under the direction of the market. the state and the government on how to solve the problem of development. Contents: Preamble economy. knowledge. institutional f...
