• 17 years ago
Repair Stem Cells Treatment for Heart Disease is presented by http://ExploreWorldTV.com in connection with the Repair Stem Cells Organization and the Fleming family from Australia who experienced Repair Stem Cell treatment for heart disease at a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

This story is about a son's love for his father who has heart disease and doctors said he had no options left. Mick Fleming came across information about Adult Stem Cell treatements and decided to research it further to see if it could help his father. He found out that Repair Stem Cells are being used as treatment for heart disease at a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

From Australia they flew to Thailand within 10 days for Repair Stem Cell treatement. Around 36 hours after the surgery Mick noticed a difference in his father. He had more energy, was brighter overall, and was able to move around in ways that he hadn't been able to in over two years.

As Mick says, "It works. We've proven that it works."

More videos on Repair Stem Cells may be viewed at: http://exploreworldtv.com/category/explore-health/.

Information on the Repair Stem Cells Organization may be found at: http://repairstemcells.org


