• vor 7 Jahren
لمتابعة "الدحيح"

الدحيح - النووي والبكيني

ما علاقة النووي بالبكيني؟
لمعرفة الجواب شاهدوا الحلقة حتى النهاية

مصادر الدحيح:

The Bomb Documentary by PBS
The Extreme Dangers of Nuclear War by Ira Helfand
Ted Talk by Brian Toon
Ted Talk by Ira Helfand
Encyclopedia Britannica: Nuclear Weapons
Encyclopedia Britannica: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
The Atlantic: Why One President Gave Up His Country's Nukes
Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unites Nations' Country Briefs: Egypt

لمشاهدة جميع حلقات الدحيح

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