• 7 years ago
This prank is genius and super easy to pull off on your little siblings. A woman pranks her little sister by telling her that their dad is getting her a scary doll off of craigslist and the girl, brother, and sister think the doll is haunted based on how the doll looks and what the ad says.\n\nHere is what the craigslist for-sale ad reads:\n\n"Doll For Sale - Make Offer\nMy daughter doesn't want it anymore. Our dog will not stop barking at it and we can never find it where we left it.\nDoll has really cute laugh. No batteries required.\nPickup Only - Again, Make Offer"\n\nUmmMMMmmMMMm... I am with these kids... I am really hoping this is a prank within a prank, meaning the craigslist ad is a prank, because I am getting serious "The Conjuring" vibes.\n\nDON'T MAKE AN OFFER. DON'T PICK IT UP. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. Funny prank though!!


