Trial Ebook What Did Jesus Drive?: Crisis PR in Cars, Computers and Christianity Unlimited acces

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What Did Jesus Drive, Is mostly about crises in the car industry, but then it s so much bigger! It s about being on the front-line of one crisis after another, offering incredible insight in what to do and not do when the "you know what" hits the fan. It s not theory; it s real. Vines brutal frankness and lessons learned in the book are both shocking and refreshing, and often times hilarious. Vines points out, if vaunted enterprises like Toyota and BP can get caught off guard, any organization can. What Did Jesus Drive? is a breathtaking wake-up call and a wild ride. Buckle up. This book is the first "tell-all" of its kind! "Jason s story telling is his honest account of time well spent in a career documenting numerous pivotal events we all want to hear about." Lee Iacocca "Get me Jason Vines! How I wish as the candidates I worked for screamed, screwed, or gaffed their way into crisis, I had called on Jason Vines. This is more than a corporate PR book - it s a masters class, no holds barred, white knuckle ride of insights and wisdom for anyone whose job it is to communicate for a living. Jack Nicholson s character in "A Few Good Men" bellowed "you can t handle the truth" - Jason Vines in raw and real story telling of his own journey explains to every politician, celebrity, corporate communications professional and government agency that has ever faced trouble (yes I am talking about you NFL - read this one Goodell!) why we have such a hard time telling the truth, why that s the whole frickin problem and what we can do about it." Joe Trippi, Democratic Campaign and Media Consultant. "Jason Vines lived The Hurt Locker, defusing one public relations I.E.D. after another. To think some of the largest corporations we can name have been this close to pure PR disaster, and yet were saved by the insight Jason earned from decades of corporate cage fights, is truly amazing." Dutch Mandel, AutoWeek Publisher "I always knew I could count on Jason for an unbiased and hon
