Digital book The Dance of Change: The Challenges to Sustaining Momentum in a Learning

  • 6 years ago
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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 1999-3-1 Pages: 596 Publisher: Random House Since Peter Senge published his groundbreaking book The FifthDiscipline. he and his associates have frequently been asked by thebusiness community: How do we go beyond the first steps ofcorporate change How do we sustain momentum They know thatcompanies and organizations can not thrive today without learning toadapt their attitudes and practices But companies that establishchange initiatives discover. after initial success. that even themost promising efforts to transform or revitalizeorganizations -. despite interest. resources. and compelling businessresults --can fail to sustain themselves over time. Thats becauseorganizations have complex. well-developed immune systems. aimed atpreserving the status quo.Now. drawing upon new theories about leadership and the long-termsuccess of change initi...