Popular Growing Wings on the Way: Systems Thinking for Messy Situations Full

  • 6 years ago
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You may be trying to fix the healthcare system in your country...or dealing with family break-up...or exploring change - and making it happen - in your organisation...or worrying about how to look after your elderly parents...In any case, you ll know that with some problems it s hard to know where to start - we can t define them, we get in a muddle thinking about them, we may try to ignore some aspect/s of them and - when we finally do something - they usually get worse. These problems are so entangled they become messy situations and our first mistake is to try and fix them as we would fix a simple problem. But Systems Thinking offers a range of good ways of approaching these situations and unravelling them. Rosalind Armson is one of the world s foremost teachers and practitioners of Systems Thinking, and her remarkable book explains how these messes happen and what to do about them. Specifically, she sets out a series of sophisticated and challenging - but practical and easily learned - skills and techniques for thinking better when you re in a mess . Whether you re new to Systems Thinking or have long experience, this book invites you to develop your skills through working with your own messy situations. It s written for managers, project managers, team leaders, change leaders , strategists,policy makers and concerned citizens as well as university students from a broad set of disciplines. Organisations and readers in education, healthcare, environmental management, IT planning and social care are just a few of those likely to find it helpful.
