Does Obama like killing babies?

  • 16 years ago
Do we really want a President who believes a baby is a punishment? Do we really want a President who is only proud to be an American sometimes! Do we really want a President who is ashamed of the American Flag? Obama, Barack ,Barack Obama, President, United States, Baby, Baby killer, Abortion, Murder, Obama speeches, Partial abortion, Demarcate, Babies, Punishment, Baby punishment, Election, Presidential election, Pro life, Pro choice, Anti life, Anti abortion, abortion, born, live, induced, alive, freedom of choice act, infants, BAIPA FOCA, infanticide, restrictive rights, legal, illegal, election, McCain, Presidential, viability, viable health, fetus, roe vs. wade, supreme court, trimester, mother, parent, pregnant, women’s choice, death, baby killing, unborn, failed attempt botched, right, wrong, 2008 election, Obama for president, McCain for president,

