Trump has offered to send Pompeo to North Korea again: Bolton

  • 6 years ago
볼튼, '폼페오, 평양 다시 방문할지도'... 미 국무부, '계획없어'

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton says... North Korea has to start taking concrete steps to denuclearize.
Speaking to Fox News,... he also said President Trump is willing to send Secretary of State Mike Pompeo back to Pyongyang to keep the dialogue going.
Park Hee-jun reports.
U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton says President Trump has offered to send Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang once again,... to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and continue negotiations on denuclearization.
In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday,... Bolton revealed that Trump made the proposal in his most recent letter to Kim,... delivered to North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho during last week's ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore.
But contrary to Bolton's remarks,... the U.S. State Department said it has nothing to reveal at this point.
Spokesperson Heather Nauert told reporters there is nothing to announce concerning any future trip to North Korea by Mike Pompeo,... but said she isn't going to predict what could happen,...
leaving possibility of another visit open.

Bolton also said that although there aren't any plans yet for a second summit between Kim and Trump,... President Trump is "prepared to meet at any point".
He added that what's really needed isn't more rhetoric,... but North Korea making progress on denuclearization.
Bolton also dismissed North Korea's calls for an easing of sanctions,... and reiterated that the Trump administration will continue to enforce them until the North's complete denuclearization.
And while the U.S. has lived up to its side of the agreement reached in Singapore,... he said he felt North Korea was not doing enough.

Although the North returned 55 boxes of remains of presumed American soldiers killed during the Korean War,... Bolton downplayed its significance saying it's just one part of the agreement,... and that it should return the remains of all foreign soldiers,... as there's no point withholding remains from a conflict that ended several decades ago.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.