CEO Road Map To Perfect Pricing - Taylor Wells Pricing - Boost Profit

  • 6 years ago
CEO Road Map To Perfect Pricing - Taylor Wells Pricing

Price improvement: Have you every joined a company and thought we are doing such great work here and producing so many valuable products, but why are we struggling to improve the return on invested capital?

If yes, then you are not alone. Taylor Wells observes countless B2B industrial businesses in Australia boosting productivity, landing new accounts, and making shrewd acquisitions, even in the face of a ongoing manufacturing collapse. Yet so many of these business are still failing to measure up to the value they actually produce for their customers and some are even struggling to break even.

Many of these businesses have found themselves in a profit-margin rut:

No matter how much businesses innovate and improve products and services, they still end up charging the same premium for it as they would for a more standard item. Some automatically cut costs when when they find a less expensive way to make a product due to cost plus thinking and not being able to price intelligently.

The sales team may end up discounting to win customers and the business soon finds itself in the jaws of death situation.

Taylor Wells believes this profit rut is largely down to an entrenched commodity mindset.

Unfortunately, to fix up a commodity mind set situation can take up to 2 – 3 years as staff work their way through the company transformation process. In all of this time margin can still be lost if the right price improvement practices are not implemented.

A culture of pricing excellence can however accelerate earnings growth and eliminate the frustrations of sales marketing and finance.

With the right price improvement capability, a clearer link between customer value and sell price can be generated to drive margin expansion outcomes.

In fact you can generate an additional 2.0-7.0% points of gross margin annually by implementing the right price improvement strategy.

Sounds simple enough. Yet, why don’t more businesses do it?

Here’s the hard part: It’s requires a complete mindset change – unlearning old pricing improvement habits and practices like cost plus and trialling new, more scientific price improvement methods and analytics.

4 myths stopping price improvement strategies

Listed below are four pricing myths that Taylor Wells feel continue to kill price improvement programs in major ASX listed and Fortune 500 business. Destroy these myths and you’ll remove the main obstacles holding you and your business back from substantial profit improvement and value based thinking.

MISCONCEPTION #1: “It’s too early to begin thinking about price improvement or creating pricing roles in the business.”

It’s never too early. Changing how you price is usually inevitable if your operating in highly competitive and disrupted markets, so you’ll need to figure out how you stand.

Delaying the team set up and integration process will only serves to lengthen the coming to


