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天心好不容易得到哲三从宫里带回朱历的回信,信上却充满了不要天心担心、粉饰太平的言语,和哲三说的实情完全不同。天心毅然决然离开山上,要去宫里找朱历,全没发现哲三跟大娘也悄悄尾随自己出来。 苡柔故意讨好天心,让天心觉得和自己一见如故,藉此也与朱历拉近距离。
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub
海外福利!优优产品—UUTV盒子,海量影片、超清画质、操作快捷简单、足不出户让你享受华语热播影视内容。购买链接: http://www.100uu.tv/?from=youtube
天心好不容易得到哲三从宫里带回朱历的回信,信上却充满了不要天心担心、粉饰太平的言语,和哲三说的实情完全不同。天心毅然决然离开山上,要去宫里找朱历,全没发现哲三跟大娘也悄悄尾随自己出来。 苡柔故意讨好天心,让天心觉得和自己一见如故,藉此也与朱历拉近距离。
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub