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正在庙里替天心祈福的大娘,忽然收到天心要被送去法场的消息。天心、大娘在押解过程一阵生离死别,大娘不愿意天心就此送命,当下不顾老陶的阻挡,冲去法场要解救天心。 另一方面,朱历在最后一刻才接到天心要被问斩的消息。全副武装的大娘上法场打算救人,却被有备而来的官兵所阻挡!
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub
海外福利!优优产品—UUTV盒子,海量影片、超清画质、操作快捷简单、足不出户让你享受华语热播影视内容。购买链接: http://www.100uu.tv/?from=youtube
正在庙里替天心祈福的大娘,忽然收到天心要被送去法场的消息。天心、大娘在押解过程一阵生离死别,大娘不愿意天心就此送命,当下不顾老陶的阻挡,冲去法场要解救天心。 另一方面,朱历在最后一刻才接到天心要被问斩的消息。全副武装的大娘上法场打算救人,却被有备而来的官兵所阻挡!
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.
Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub