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哲三为了报复湘凝,将湘凝抓起来关在男澡堂内,但没想到湘凝就这样不见了,哲三到处找不到湘凝,最后却被湘凝一把推进古井,而哲三以身子护着湘凝,自己却摔断了腿。 朱历被蒙在鼓里的天心,引来更大的误会,朱历觉得天心避重就轻,似乎在回避话题。并且天心、哲三之前曾对朱历隐瞒真实身份,双方不欢而散。
The Imperial Physician tells the story of an awkward acupuncturist who steals techniques from his father, an expert in acupuncture, and encounters difficulties and adversities in learning conventional medical skills.

Thanks to Babel Fansub for the subtitles.If you want to join us, please contact the QQ Group: 127527936.Babel Fansub's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabelSub
