Returning Soldier Surprises Son by Hiding in Cardboard Box

  • 6 years ago
This soldier hid in a cardboard box to surprise his son after returning home from deployment. When his son opened the box and saw who was inside, he cried out with joy and wrapped him in a tight hug.
00:00Yeah. Yeah, I love it. Hey, remember, um, I told you that I would get you a present in
00:08the box. You wanna go look in the box? I got you a big surprise in the box. You wanna go
00:12check it out? Okay. Go ahead. No. Wanna check in the box? It's a big surprise. Lots of toys.
00:24It's something cool. Open it. Daddy! There you go! Daddy! There you go! Hey! Oh, hey!
00:43You look like Nico Doria. Hey. Aww, Daddy's home. Best day ever, huh? Yeah. Hey. Come
01:08here, man. Oh, boy. Hey. We're not gonna let him go, huh, Nicholas? He's grieving forever.
01:24Best day ever. Come here, man. Happy tears, huh?
