Wonocolo, Bojonegoro Oil And Gas Tourism Village (Texas Of Indonesia)

  • 6 tahun yang lalu
Wonocolo or Wonocolo Text is an area in Kedewan Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java which has oil mining which is still managed traditionally.

This location is about 60km from downtown Bojonegoro and borders with Blora Regency, Central Java. Wonocolo was chosen and proposed as a geosite in the Petroleum Geoheritage Bojonegoro, because in this place the rocks representing the petroleum system and the extraction of traditional oil in the old Dutch wells were revealed.

The extraction of oil is traditionally cultivated with car engines, using teak rigs. The Wonocolo anticline peak has a height of approximately 450m above sea level, while the shallow drilling is about 200m from the top of the fold.

So that the height of the oil taken at Wonocolo in the Wonocolo reservoir is still above sea level.

This can prove that the traditional oil drilling at Wonocolo is the most shallow in all of Indonesia, even the world. Geosite Wonocolo can be developed into the Wonocolo Old Well Geological Tourism which is non-renewable energy.

Now, the location is known as Wonocolo Text, in addition to its environmental conditions which are similar to Texas oil locations in America, Texas itself stands for Always Safe and Prosperous Determination.

Wonocolo Text is now an educational tourism location in Bojonegoro. There is a Shelter House which is a learning center about oil and how to exploit in Wonocolo. In addition there are also adventure tours using Jeep around this area.


