• 6 years ago
BalconyTV Barcelona

Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Microphones By// Røde

MERITXELL NEDDERMANN performs the song "LAS PAGA ELLA" for BalconyTV.

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Txell Neddermann té un talent que queda de manifest en una primera escolta. Les seves mans, capaces d'interpretar obres clàssiques de gran complexitat, poseeixen una sensibilitat especial que la jove cantant i pianista aplica a terrenys avantguardistes i experimentals. Amb els seus efectes uneix veu i piano de forma onírica i creativa. Estem segurs que de la seva creativitat sorgiran peces innovadores i inclassificables. Mentre esperem la sortida d'un primer treball discogràfic que encara no té data, us convidem a gaudir d'un avançament exclusiu al nostre balcó.

Txell Neddermann has a potential easy to hear upon first listen. Her hands, able to play classic pieces by legendary compositors like Chopin or Bach, have a special touch that the young singer and pianist applies to new and experimental grounds. With a vocoder, she unifies her voice with the keys in an oniric and creative way. We're sure that innovative, passionate and remarkable pieces will spring from her creativity. We invite you to join us in waiting for this upcoming breakthrough.



Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Sound Assistant: David Gimeno
Video: clicksound

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