3D origami big swan assembly diagram (tutorial, instructions)

  • 6 years ago
3D origami big swan assembly diagram (tutorial, instructions)

This video shows how to make big swan out of paper 3D origami. To assembly such a swan will need plenty of triangular pieces (triangles). But it will be a truly magnificent interior decoration. And will complement your collection of 3D origami animals in categories birds swans.

We need for assembling big swan is 1570 pieces (triangles). It means that the swan figure consists of more than 1500 pieces!

We need:
1048 white and 522 red
triangular pieces.

Begin to make the body of a swan.
Make three rows of 51 white piece of each.

Make 4th row of white

Make 5th row of red

6th row repeat in a circle 2 white, red ..

Then displace the pattern aside

Move the pattern

Again move the pattern

Then make one red rows and 4 white

Making breast. 1st row: red, 10 white, red

2nd row: red, 9 white, red etc. "Pyramid" up to the top

Make the wing reverse side pieces out.
According to the pattern shows

The row has 15 pieces

Making 14 rows

Will further reduce the number of pieces in a row

continue make "pyramid"

And now you know how to make Ninja turtle Leonardo of paper in the art 3D origami. If you want to use this video as master class for the assembly Ninja turtle Leonardo.

And visit my website http://3d_origami.bringingsuccess.ru
