• 7년 전
[Let's Ride a Rollercoaster]

Click clack click clack
Click clack click clack
Bam bam bam bam Bambambambambambam
Going slowly going up
Going slowly to the top to the top
To the top to the top
All the way to the top

Fast fast falling so fast
Right left moving so fast
Going up and going down and
Round and round right and left
Up and down down and up

Fast fast falling so fast
Right left moving so fast
Here we go now here we go
Click clack click clack Click clack click clack
Falling all the way down
Here we go~

When you're on the top the top
People look so small so small
My heart starts beating Bam bam bam bam
Bam bam bam bam Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bam
Try to touch the blue blue sky
Scream if you like let it all out
My heart's beating Bam bam bam bam
Bam bam bam bam Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bam

Here we are on the top Going down one more time
Up and down left and right
Round and round spin spin spin
My heart starts to beat beat beat
Ah~ we did it!


[ 유튜브 공식 채널 ]
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤플레이 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤북스 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤송 유튜브채널
▶ 캐리앤잉글리시 유튜브채널
▶ 엘리앤 투어_'엘리가 간다' 네이버 TV

[ 캐리와장난감친구들 공식 SNS ]
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 공식 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/CarrieAndFriends/
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 공식 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/carrie_and_friends/
▶ 캐리와장난감친구들 공식 카카오스토리 채널 : https://story.kakao.com/ch/toyfriends/


