• 7 years ago
Former President Obama on Saturday paid tribute to John McCain.

Former President Barack Obama on Saturday praised the late Arizona Senator John McCain for defending him against a Republican supporter who had claimed he was an "Arab." 
During his eulogy at McCain's funeral Saturday, Obama said, "It has been mentioned today, seen footage this week, John pushing back against supporters that challenged my patriotism during the 2008 campaign. I was grateful but I wasn't surprised." 
"As Joe Lieberman said, that was John's instinct. I never saw John treat anyone differently because of their race or religion or gender," Obama added. "That in those moments that have been referred to during the campaign, he saw himself as defending America's character, not just mine. He considered it the imperative of every citizen that loves this country to treat all people fairly."
Obama was referring to a widely circulating video clip from a 2008 town hall rally in Minnesota where a woman tells McCain who was the Republican presidential nominee at the time and says about his opponent, "I can't trust Obama. I have read about him, and he's not, um, he's an Arab." 
The lawmaker can be seen shaking his head, telling her "no ma'am," taking back the microphone, then telling her and everyone in attendance, "He's a decent family man [and] citizen that just I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that's what the campaign's all about." 
