I wanted to make a video that tells the story of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore ... It was a big job because this love story is epic, it happens on 7 seasons for now, I've tried to capture all the emotions that Damon and Elena have made us feel during all this years...I used the music of the vampire diaries which are, for me, the most representative of their beautiful love... 7 Seasons it's very long that's why i cut my video in three parts
The first part tells the first three seasons
I would put the part 2 when it will be finished ... I hope you will appreciate, as I also appreciate to relive these good times ... Watch in HD please ..
*I wanted to thank "DelenaScenes ReducedBGMusic" ... because a lot of clips of my vid were taken from this channel ...*
All the songs used throughout my vid, are listed at the end of the video ...
I hope soon to read your comments...Thank You
I wanted to make a video that tells the story of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore ... It was a big job because this love story is epic, it happens on 7 seasons for now, I've tried to capture all the emotions that Damon and Elena have made us feel during all this years...I used the music of the vampire diaries which are, for me, the most representative of their beautiful love... 7 Seasons it's very long that's why i cut my video in three parts
The first part tells the first three seasons
I would put the part 2 when it will be finished ... I hope you will appreciate, as I also appreciate to relive these good times ... Watch in HD please ..
*I wanted to thank "DelenaScenes ReducedBGMusic" ... because a lot of clips of my vid were taken from this channel ...*
All the songs used throughout my vid, are listed at the end of the video ...
I hope soon to read your comments...Thank You