PM Lee to deliver a keynote speech at the 4th EEF in Vladivostok next week

  • 6 years ago
이총리, 러시아 '동방경제포럼' 참석…푸틴 대통령과 면담 예정

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon will be visiting Vladivostok, Russia next Monday for the first time since he came to office.
The Prime Minister will deliver a keynote speech at the fourth annual Eastern Economic Forum and discuss Seoul-Moscow economic cooperation with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his three-day trip.
The Russian Far East is a key region in the Moon Administration's 'New Northern Policy', which involves cooperation with Russia in key sectors dubbed the "nine bridges", including natural gas, railroads and electric power.
The Prime Minister may also meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
However, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un who were both invited, decided not to attend the forum this year.