• 7 years ago
Sometimes you need to get up a staircase on your bike, so why not do it in style?

If you ride cyclocross, you know how to hop off the bike, throw it over your shoulder, and run up the stairs. The key here is to make a smooth transition from jumping off the bike, to carrying it, and then mounting it again. Locking your arm upwards to support the bike on the top tube is the most common way, but you should elevate the front wheel so you don’t hit the stairs and faceplant. Thanks to cyclocross, running up the stairs is a legit technique.

If you’re up for more of a challenge, you can ride up the stairs. This is easier said than done, but on small staircases you can just get up some speed and use your momentum. Just approach the staircase at a comfortable speed, pull back on the bars and shift your body weight to the back of your bike. This will take the weight off the front wheel as it rolls up the steps. As soon as your rear wheel comes close to the steps, transfer all of your weight to the front. Stay in a low gear and start pedaling at the top if you need to.

The next method to climbing stairs is to hop up them sideways using an English bunnyhop. Practice on the ground first by pointing your toes forwards and pulling up on your bars. If you have suspension, try to work with it by popping up after it compresses. Notice how I’m pushing down before I pop up. Start by hopping a few inches and you’ll quickly learn to hop higher. It may be a good idea to practice track stands as well.

Once you can English bunny hop, approach a staircase from the side and get your front wheel on to the first step. When you hop up to the next step, your wheels will remain on two different steps. This positioning will help keep you stable, but you could also advance to the next step with both wheels if you feel confident enough. Do this on your commute, and you’ll look like a boss.

There’s one more way to get up stairs, and that’s to just bunny hop entire flights. Sure, you won’t be doing this on really big staircases but for a few steps at a time it’s really fun. Obviously, you’ll need to learn how to bunny hop. Once you can hop like an animal, just approach the stairs at a good speed and go balls out as soon as your front wheel nears the bottom step. As is the case with all bunny hops, you really need to drop your saddle for this one.

Once you can get up stairs on your bicycle, you can commute in style, or escape security guards with ease. If the security guard is on a bicycle, you’d better hope they haven’t been watching my tutorials.

Thanks for watching….try to ride safe, and I’ll see you next time.


