• 7 years ago
*Update* I have links to the new apps and everything below. I've been happily using this gimbal for every shoot I do now.
Some of you have been asking about how I'm getting such smooth videography all of the sudden. The answer is, I'm using a gimbal.

This battery powered device uses a computer chip and a gyroscope to keep itself level with the horizon. It holds your GoPro and gives you really steady video, even if you’re running or jumping around with it.

The super sweet shots we got in the commuter video were filmed on Domingo’s camera, which has a gimbal built in. In today’s video, we’ll take a look at my new gimbal, which was sent to me by Zhiyun Tech to use and review. I assume they didn’t send this to me out of the goodness of their hearts, they want a review out of it. So here goes, starting with the downsides.

1. It advertises having an app, but then the instructions tell you to download it from their website. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that would require having a jailbroken iPhone or a rooted android. Most of us are accustomed to getting apps from the app store or Google play store, and there’s no app to be found in either one. Supposedly all of the functions the app offers can be achieved other ways, so I guess I can live without it.
2. Also, the batteries get charged in an external device, so you need to mess with this cover and pop each one out to recharge them. It would be nicer to have a battery pack of some kind, instead of fumbling with these on the mountain bike trails.
3. Lastly, the only way to attach your go pro to this gimbal is without the protective housing. This normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but it’s called the “rider” m which I assume implies you can mount it to a helmet or a bike. In fact, it comes with this adapter that fits go pro brackets. Given the things I do, it might be a better idea to use it handheld.

So with those points out of the way, let’s talk about what I like about the Rider M.

1. This freaking thing works great. Here’s me running behind emily at Oleta river state park. She looks like a badass. I’ve noticed that some other gimbals have a tendency to fritz out if you hold or twist them the wrong way, but this thing seems to stay level no matter what I do to it.
2. The unit itself is also really well constructed. It’s completely made of metal, and has a high quality feel to it.
3. It’s simple. You just turn it on and then use this other button to change modes. I haven’t tried calibrating it or using any of the more advanced functions, but honestly I haven’t needed to.
4. Also unlike some other gimbals, the motor is completely silent, so I can great audio without clicking and buzzing noises coming through on the video. This is huge since I like to pick up the sounds from the bike and nature whenever possible.
5. The batteries also last a real long time, and it came with extras just in case. So although they’re slightly annoying to change, I don’t need change them very often, in fact they outlast my GoPro.
6. I also like the fact that it comes with a really well made telescoping handle. I usually mount my phone to it and use the GoPro app to see what’s going on, although I guess their app is supposed to do that too.

So taking everything into consideration, I really do love the Rider M, and I promise I’m not just saying that because it was sent to me for free. I had been looking into getting a gimbal, and the rider M is everything I had hoped for. It’s too early to say how to stands up to daily use, but it’s well constructed and hasn’t given me any trouble yet. So if you’re looking for a well built, quiet, reliable gimbal, then you may want to see what Zhiyun Tech has to offer. It was really cool of them to send this to me, and after only a few shoots it’s become an essential piece of camera equipment for me.

Visit their site: http://www.zhiyun-tech.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=109&id=140
This is it: http://amzn.to/1PdJYJc


