• 7 years ago
For what was probably the biggest Singaporean music festival to happen outside of the city, 100+50, it definitely took a lot of hard work and coordination to get it running for three consecutive weekends. We got ourselves an onstage pass to step into the world of hard labour and soundchecks to find out exactly how it was done.

We also walked the ground to find out who were these attendees eager to watch, with the help of Famie Suliman from The Pinholes.

Tracks featured:

F ∆ U X E, AkidBamBam & dyzfnktn - "Lovin' U" (http://www.beatsplayer.com/soundbeat/140378226)
The Pinholes - "Youth of Gold" (https://thepinholes.bandcamp.com/track/youth-of-gold)
Xingfoo&Roy - "Great Wide Open" (https://xfrmusic.bandcamp.com/track/great-wide-open)

Filmed and edited by LEMOVISION (https://www.facebook.com/lemovision)

100+50 performance footage by Fhage (http://www.facebook.com/fhagesg)

Microphone: Sennheiser AVX- 835, thanks to Sennheiser Electronic Asia

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