• 7 years ago
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So we're back from a 2 week hiatus to bring you more recent record reviews with our resident music geeks Dan and Hidz, with a new look for a new year.

This week we review Singapore bass veteran Jean Reiki's brand new EP Whimsy, SWTLKR's first solo release in years with Departure, and of course Blackstar, David Bowie's grand parting gift to us mere mortals.

Let us know your thoughts on our reviews in the comment section below, and if there are any records you'd like us to talk about. Don't forget to subscribe!

BGM Track produced by M. Fasol (https://soundcloud.com/fasol-prod)

This video was shot with the Sony A7R II.

Jean Reiki - Whimsy

SWTLKR - Departure

David Bowie - Blackstar
