73 Arrests Made on Day Two of Kavanaugh Hearings

  • 6 years ago
73 Arrests Made on Day Two of Kavanaugh Hearings Demonstrators have been protesting
at the Senate Judiciary Committee
public hearings all week. The first day of hearings on Kavanaugh
on Tuesday resulted in 70 arrests. Actress Piper Perabo was
even among those arrested. The second day of hearings on
Wednesday resulted in 73 arrests,
according to U.S. Capitol Police. The protesters began disrupting
things almost immediately after
Sen. Chuck Grassley brought
the hearing into session. According to a police statement, sixty-six people were removed from the room
and charged with disorderly conduct. One individual was arrested in the
atrium of the Senate office building,
and six others were removed from
a different Senate office building. The charges included resisting
arrest, "crowding, obstructing,
or incommoding" and "unlawful
demonstration activities."
