Pres. Moon calls for 'bold decisions' from N. Korean leader and U.S. President

  • 6 years ago
문 대통령, '핵폐기 단계로 가려면 북미정상 대담한 결단 필요'; 평양 정상회담 앞두고 '당리당략 거둬라'

It is looking increasingly like a second North Korea-U.S. summit is in the works.
In fact, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is calling for just that.
He says bold decisions are needed from Pyeongyang and Washington to achieve denuclearization.
Shin Se-min reports.
Less than a week left before President Moon Jae-in heads to Pyeongyang for his third encounter with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Chairing his weekly meeting with his Cabinet, President Moon said the leaders of North Korea and the U.S. need to hold a second summit themselves,... and he asked both parties to make "bold decisions."

"To move diplomacy forward and have North Korea dismantle its nuclear arsenal, the leaders of both North Korea and the U.S. should make bold decisions. The complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is an issue that must be resolved through talks between the North and the U.S."

And the President said he will continue to act as a mediator between the two,... a role he said both Kim Jong-un and President Trump have asked him to play.
His comments... come just days before he sits down with the North Korean leader for a third time just this year -- in the regime's capital -- a meeting President Moon said must lead to another "big step" towards a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
He added that Pyeongyang needs to follow through on dismantling its nuclear facilities and Washington needs to take corresponding steps.
As that happens, he said,... the two sides will put aside the deep-rooted distrust between them that started 70 years ago.
Meanwhile, the administration has finalized a bill it plans to submit to the National Assembly... that would ratify the inter-Korean agreement reached in April.
And the President's senior secretary for political affairs, Han Byung-do,... visited the legislature to once again invite top lawmakers to accompany the President to North Korea next week, a proposal the rival parties remain sharply divided on.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.


