• 7 years ago
5 mins | Animation , Short, Comedy, Family, Musical | TV Episode

The story of Noah's ark.

Director: Phil Robinson
00:00A long time after God had created the world and made man and all the animals and birds,
00:28he noticed that people were no longer kind to each other and that they didn't obey God
00:34So he was angry.
00:36But God did see one man in the world who was kind and good and who obeyed the Lord's word.
00:42This man was Noah.
00:44So God appeared to Noah and he let him hear his voice.
00:50And the Lord said, Behold, I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty
00:59I will bring a flood to the earth to destroy all flesh and everything that is in the earth
01:05shall die.
01:08But God told Noah to build an ark and to take two of every animal in it with him to keep
01:14alive during the storm.
01:17And when Noah had heard God's voice, he was grateful and he set to work right away to
01:21build the ark.
01:23This was a great boat with many, many rooms in it.
01:26When Noah finally finished it, he went out in the fields and woods where he had to talk
01:30to all kinds of animals and birds.
01:33He talked to the lion and the wild horses.
01:39He talked to the pigs in the barnyard and the elephants in the jungle.
01:47And the cute little kittens in his own house.
01:53Noah talked to all the animals on the face of the earth, even to the doves cooing in
01:58their nests.
02:09And Noah picked a mother and a father of each kind of animal and bird and he told them to
02:14come to the ark.
02:15Well, when they were all gathered there, you can imagine what kind of a noisy crowd poor
02:20Noah had on his hands.
02:27What with lions roaring and pigs squealing and monkeys chattering and hyenas laughing.
02:32Well, it must have been noisier than a crowd of children on the annual Sunday school excursion.
02:37But Noah was wise and gentle and he understood about animals, so he got them lined up in
02:42a long row, two by two.
02:44And then he started them up and into the ark, through the big door on the side.
02:48The bees were the last to go in, because bees have a stinger in their tails and no animal
02:56wanted to get in line behind them.
02:58Noah stored food in the boat and then saw that his wife and his sons and their wives
03:03were safely inside.
03:05Then he shut the big door behind him and he bolted it so that no one could get in.
03:11Then there was a flash of lightning and the thunder roared as it never had before.
03:17Big black clouds hid the sun so that it was almost as dark as night.
03:21And out of those clouds came the greatest rain the world has ever known.
03:27It lasted for 40 days and 40 nights as God had promised Noah.
03:32All the land was covered with water and not a house or a living thing remained anywhere.
03:42But Noah's ark floated on the surface of the waters and he and his family and the animals
03:47who were in the ark with them were saved.
03:53On the 40th day, the rain stopped and the sun came out.
03:57The waters that had covered the earth began to flow back into the oceans and the rivers
04:02and the ark came to rest on the peak of a mountain.
04:05But Noah wasn't quite sure that there was enough dry land for all his animals to live on.
04:11So he took one of the doves and let it fly out of the window.
04:20In a little while, it came back and in its beak, the dove carried the branch of an olive tree.
04:26Noah knew that this must be a sign from God that he had restored quiet and peace to the world.
04:32So he opened the door of the ark and he and his family and all the animals came out on
04:39the dry land and they praised God and thanked him.
04:45Then the Lord appeared again to Noah.
04:49He promised him that he would never again send a flood to destroy the earth and he sealed
04:54that promise with a beautiful symbol which he set in the sky for all of us to see.
05:01That symbol, the token of God's everlasting faith in man, is the rainbow.
