Presidential address on Pyeongyang summit: Pres. Moon says he had been assured by Kim on completely denuclearizing regime

  • 6 years ago
3차 남북정상회담 마친 문재인 대통령 대국민보고
The world heard from South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday evening... shortly after his return from the North.
In remarks at the main press center, he said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un... is ready to take further steps towards denuclearization, but the condition is that there have to be corresponding measures from the United States.
Shin Se-min reports.
His first stop after returning from his three-day trip to the North -- the main press center in Seoul.
Addressing the nation on the outcome of the historic Pyeongyang Summit, President Moon said he was assured by Chairman Kim that he is determined to completely denuclearize his regime at the earliest date possible and focus on its economy.
And he said the North is ready to speed things up on denuclearization depending on steps from the U.S.

"Chairman Kim has expressed his willingness to take further steps towards denuclearization once the U.S. agrees to take corresponding measures. This is because the four-point declaration agreed at the Singapore summit needs to be carried out all together."

And those steps would be determined, said the President, in talks between Chairman Kim and Trump, which he hopes will happen soon.
On the issue of how to put an official end to the Korean War, the President said he and his North Korean counterpart have the same idea.

"A detailed plan for denuclearization and corresponding measures are issues that need to be discussed between North Korea and the U.S. So, we gave a lot of thought to the wording we would use in the agreement we reached."

The President then said a peace treaty with the North will follow after complete denuclearzation.
And he said the military agreement reached by the two Koreas… has created the conditions for a swift resumption of talks between Pyeongyang and Washington.

"So President Moon has done his part by bringing his North Korean counterpart another step forward in the process of denuclearization.
The question now is when and what kind of corresponding measures will be announced by the U.S.,... possibly something that could happen during the talks between Presidents Moon and Trump next week in New York.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News."


