• 7 years ago
This guy used a piece of round wood and turned into a wall art in the shape of a sun. He chiseled and sanded it to the desired shape and added layers of orange paint to make it look appealing. 


00:00 Hello and welcome back to the shop.
00:07 Today I thought we'd turn a little artistic piece.
00:12 This is a piece of poplar.
00:16 It was a board that I had cut and dried for a couple of years.
00:20 I thought we'd stick it on the lathe and see what we can turn into a little wall art.
00:29 The first thing I'll do is just true up this front piece.
00:33 I'll probably use a scraper to do that.
00:38 As soon as I find my
00:39 base shield.
00:46 (Lathe noise)
00:53 (Lathe noise)
01:00 (Lathe noise)
01:07 (Lathe noise)
01:15 (Lathe noise)
01:22 (Lathe noise)
01:29 (Lathe noise)
01:36 (Lathe noise)
01:43 (Lathe noise)
01:50 (Lathe noise)
01:57 (Lathe noise)
02:04 (Lathe noise)
02:11 (Lathe noise)
02:18 (Lathe noise)
02:25 (Lathe noise)
02:32 (Lathe noise)
02:40 (Lathe noise)
02:48 (Lathe noise)
02:55 [Sound of chainsaw]
03:19 [Sound of chainsaw]
03:39 [Sound of chainsaw]
03:52 [Sound of chainsaw]
04:20 [Sound of chainsaw]
04:36 [Sound of chainsaw]
04:56 [Sound of chainsaw]
05:13 [Sound of chainsaw]
05:20 [Sound of chainsaw]
05:40 Alright, so I've got this all sanded up as far as I'm going to take it. It's about 220 I think.
05:45 I'm going to try a couple different dyes that I've got laying around the shop. I've got some Rit dye from a long time ago.
05:52 And I also have this red concrete coloring that I was using on my previous project.
06:00 I thought, hey, what the heck, let's try it and see if it stains wood pretty good.
06:05 So we're going to try the yellow first. It's a less intrusive color. I guess intrusive would be a good word for it.
06:17 But, we'll try a little bit of it on there.
06:25 [Sound of chainsaw]
06:48 I've got a little bit of red on my fingers from touching the bottle. I think it got on the paper towel, as you can see.
06:53 So that's why it's got some red in it already.
06:57 [Sound of chainsaw]
07:11 [Sound of wood being cut]
07:21 I would say the cloth would work a little better, but if you get a cloth hanging that, you might pull your fingers into it.
07:28 [Sound of wood being cut]
07:42 So I'm probably going to do something dumb here.
07:45 I think this center part right here should stand out, like, just stand out a lot more than what it is.
07:52 So what I'm going to do is see if I can find my black dye, and we're going to black this center out right here.
08:00 Very carefully.
08:05 Alright, so I'm going to have to be pretty precise with this black, because it's black.
08:12 I mean, it really makes it dark black.
08:17 So, just do it very carefully.
08:22 [Sound of chainsaw]
08:43 [Sound of wood being cut]
08:56 [Sound of wood being cut]
09:06 [Sound of wood being cut]
09:18 Alright, I think I'm going to leave it well enough alone.
09:22 Everything looks pretty good.
09:24 These holes, I'm not really decided what I want to do with those holes yet.
09:30 They need to be sanded a little bit, and probably put some yellow in them.
09:36 Probably going to be the best thing.
09:39 But, I'll try to do that real quick, and I'll bring you guys back when I put the finish on it.
09:44 As for finish, I'm just going to try to spray a little bit of this Dept on there.
09:49 It's lacquer, basically.
09:51 I've got a few cans left over from my other projects, and I'm going to try to use them up on this.
09:58 [Sound of chainsaw]
10:27 [Sound of chainsaw]
10:34 Alright, so we'll let that dry, and then we'll put another coat on it.
10:48 Turned out pretty good. I like it.
