Motorola on Monday launched Moto One Power smartphone in India. The smartphone comes with a 6.2-inch 6.2-inch Max Vision Full HD+ display. It runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 octa-core processor coupled with 4GB of RAM and 64GB in-built storage. Priced at Rs 15,999, Motorola One Power will be available online exclusively via Flipkart.
On the software front, it runs on Android One platform which means the phone delivers near-stock Android experience and is guaranteed to receive security and software updates in the future. It currently runs on Android 8.1 Oreo out-of-the-box and is scheduled to receive Android Pie in the coming weeks. Motorola has also added its Moto Actions and Moto Display software features.
On the software front, it runs on Android One platform which means the phone delivers near-stock Android experience and is guaranteed to receive security and software updates in the future. It currently runs on Android 8.1 Oreo out-of-the-box and is scheduled to receive Android Pie in the coming weeks. Motorola has also added its Moto Actions and Moto Display software features.