• 7 years ago
oppo a37fw pin and password unlock without hard reset and without box

yes you read it right (not pattern ) ok

and its 100% worked
1. download miracle 2.58 crack

2.qualcomm hs usb qloader 32bit or 64 bit (according to your Os)

now open miracle and go to qualcomm tab-read/format flash
now choose in model universal oppo method
click on direct unlock
switch off your phone ,press vol+ and - both key and connect to pc
if you installed driver correctly it will show in device manager port section
as qualcomm hs usb qloader 9008 com x
now click on port it will load com port of your device
press start and there you go device unlocked

thanks for watching this video subscribe our channel for original tested content video

Link : https://mega.nz/#!5WwV0ZpI!3pjfaFDb7OvigiVbXVNbsn0EzZwIbZVEJBrqaXiVVzs

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