林海從小就喜愛音樂,在他4歲時開始學習鋼琴,6歲時候即開始創作自己的曲目,一年後登台演出,並受關注。9歲時就讀於中央音樂學院與上海音樂學院附屬小學。在1988年在中央音樂學院就讀,1989年參加美國范.克萊本(VAN CLIBURN)國際鋼琴大賽,並進入前十名。1992年獲得中央音樂學院本科學士學位,與台灣音樂人范宗沛成立MUSIC GATE 音樂工作室,後在台灣風潮音樂唱片公司發展
因林海過人而全能的音樂素質,所以他的音樂包含古典、New Age、現代、爵士等多種風格,並將其巧妙的結合起來,給人一種清新、淡雅、悠揚的感覺。業內人士[誰?]曾說過他「有著蕭邦的氣質,以及德布西的慵懶與優雅」 ,「具有George Winston親和而強烈的旋律性,及Keith Jarrett豐富而充滿想像的思考性。」
About Lin Hai, the Pianist,
'I don't want to disturb and I don't want to be disturbed.' Lin Hai is said to be a man of solitude. But from this silence numerous melodies and childlike nature flow out bountifully. Born in 1969, Lin learned to play the piano at age four. 1988 he majored in piano at the China Central Music College, and the next year he became the only and unprecedented Chinese nominee for the 8th Van Cliburn Musical Contest held in the U.S. In 1992 he began giving concerts in Taiwan and China and composed movie scores and TV drama scores. Now one of the most promising and successful Chinese pianists, he focuses on composing jazz and eastern new age music. As critics term it, Lin Hai is a genius whose has 'an easternized right hand and a westernized left hand', and he plays improvisational jazz out of a disciplined classical background. No doubt he is a multi-cultural and Renaissance musician for the new millennium.
因林海過人而全能的音樂素質,所以他的音樂包含古典、New Age、現代、爵士等多種風格,並將其巧妙的結合起來,給人一種清新、淡雅、悠揚的感覺。業內人士[誰?]曾說過他「有著蕭邦的氣質,以及德布西的慵懶與優雅」 ,「具有George Winston親和而強烈的旋律性,及Keith Jarrett豐富而充滿想像的思考性。」
About Lin Hai, the Pianist,
'I don't want to disturb and I don't want to be disturbed.' Lin Hai is said to be a man of solitude. But from this silence numerous melodies and childlike nature flow out bountifully. Born in 1969, Lin learned to play the piano at age four. 1988 he majored in piano at the China Central Music College, and the next year he became the only and unprecedented Chinese nominee for the 8th Van Cliburn Musical Contest held in the U.S. In 1992 he began giving concerts in Taiwan and China and composed movie scores and TV drama scores. Now one of the most promising and successful Chinese pianists, he focuses on composing jazz and eastern new age music. As critics term it, Lin Hai is a genius whose has 'an easternized right hand and a westernized left hand', and he plays improvisational jazz out of a disciplined classical background. No doubt he is a multi-cultural and Renaissance musician for the new millennium.