Internal transactions among South Korean conglomerates' affiliates hits US$ 168.8 bil. in 2017

  • 6 years ago
60개 대기업집단 작년 내부거래 191조…10대 재벌이 142조 차지

Internal transactions among affiliate companies of conglomerates increased in 2017 from a the year prior.
According to the Fair Trade Commission, 1-thousand-779 firms of 60 corporate giants traded almost 1-hundred-69 billion U.S. dollars with other affiliates last year.
That amount makes up 11-point-9 percent of all business transactions during that period...and is 34-point-3 billion dollars more than 2016.
The FTC said the increase in the number of conglomerates subject to its publication requirements caused the hike.
Inter-affiliate trading by top 10 local conglomerates including Samsung and LG.... increased by 17-point-4 billion U.S. dollars.
The nation's corporate watchdog plans to release related data in the future and strictly enforce laws against unfair internal transactions.