Bad levels of fine dust continues tomorrow _ 101518

  • 6 years ago
날씨: 내일도 미세먼지 나쁨수준

Now we turn to Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates. Michelle, fine dust is back pestering the nation.

Yes. As China's smog adds to the dust already accumulated in the nation,... fine dust concentrations have risen up to a point where wearing a mask is no longer a choice but necessary. The central region and most part of the western region will see dust levels go down, but the southern region will have to face the opposite.

Conditions generally tomorrow will be clear under the influence of a high-pressure front. Meanwhile, Beijing will have a drenching afternoon while Tokyo stays overcast with lots of clouds throughout the day.

Keep in mind our morning temperature is very low compared to our daytime,... Seoul beginning at 9 degrees Celsius, while Busan and Jeju are still in the teens,.... starting at 14 and 15 degrees respectively.

The daytime highs will slightly be lower than today,... Seoul and most of the nation rising or nearing the 20 degree mark.

The weather is expected to stay mild this week,... except in Gangwon-do Province and the east coast,... where it will get some rain until Thursday.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.


