Pres. Moon to ask French counterpart on considering lift of economic sacntions on N. Korea during summit Monday

  • 6 years ago
문 대통령, 오늘 한-프 정상회담을 시작으로 대북제재 완화

President Moon Jae-in's greeting to Paris begins Tuesday local time with the official start of the welcoming ceremony.
During the summit with his French counterpart, the South Korean leader will work on bringing the country on board the peace drive on the Korean Peninsula.
Shin Se-min has our top story.
It’ll be one of the few events of its kind this year in the French capital of Paris.
President Moon, on a five-nation tour of Europe will be greeted with official ceremony for his state visit,… which the South Korean presidential office said is extremely exceptional, given that France only hosts two or three state visits a year.
And that rare opportunity will be followed shortly by the South Korean first couple paying tribute to the unknown fallen soldiers of the Korean War.
Then the sit-down between the two leaders,… their second since both of them took office in May last year, their last one held on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Germany.
The main thrust of his meeting with the French president,… of course, asking for Macron’s help in getting the UN Security Council to roll back some of the economic sanctions crippling North Korea.
France, one of the Security Council’s permanent members and a leading nation of the European Union is deemed critical to moving the needle of the U.S-led sanctions in a more encouraging direction -- perhaps a reason why the 5-nation tour begins with France.
Following the Moon-Macron summit will be a joint presser. Then President Moon will meet with the Speaker of the French House of Representatives and then a state banquet in President Moon's honor.
"President Moon is hoping that the summit in France helps bring the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- the U.S., the UK, France, Russia and China -- on board his drive for ultimate peace.
Once he's done there, the president will head over to Italy late Tuesday,... where he will continue that momentum with the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Paris."


