2011. Day of the Diesels - UK - HD

  • 6 years ago
Day of the Diesels
2011 Special
Percy is tricked by Diesel 10 and the diesels. Can the steam engines pull together and save their Steamworks?

Written by Sharon Miller
Narrated by Michael Angelis
Ben Small as Thomas and Toby
Keith Wickham as Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Salty, Den, Paxton, the Fat Controller, Dowager Hatt, Men at the Fire and the Dock Workers
Matt Wilkinson as Diesel 10, Stanley, Kevin, Victor, Rocky and Cranky
Teresa Gallagher as Belle, Emily, Mavis and Lady Hatt
Rupert Degas as Flynn, Dart and the Dock Workers
Kerry Shale as Diesel, 'Arry, Bert, Sidney and Norman
Directed by Greg Tiernan
Produced by Ian McCue and Nicole Stinn

Subtitles available for the hard-of-hearing.

Thomas & Friends is owned and copyright of HiT Entertainment Limited. I own nothing. No money has, or will ever, be made from this video.
01:05Day of the Diesels
01:08On the Island of Sodor, it had been a long, hot summer. The sun was shining brightly, the sea sparkled blue and the days were long and lazy.
01:31Thomas' steam floated fluffy and white against a cloudless sky. He chuffed cheerfully around a corner and gasped. The bright blue sky was turning black. Smoggy smoke rose from the tracks. There was only one thing it could possible be.
01:57An old farm shed was alight. Thomas saw Percy.
02:03"I'm here, Percy! I'll help!"
02:05Percy was helping to fight the fire. His face was smudged and sooty. Percy peeped, pleased to see his best friend.
02:15"I'm running out of water, Thomas! We need more!"
02:19"Don't worry, Percy, I have lots!"
02:22The Fat Controller was worried.
02:25"The fire must not spread. Sodor must not be in danger!"
02:31The two best friends faced the flames.
02:33"Here it is, Bob!"
02:34Firemen and farm workers ran and raced, buckets of water sloshed and sploshed from the engines to the flames. Thomas and Percy wheeshed with worry.
02:47"What can we do, Thomas?"
02:49"We're doing our best, Percy!"
02:52Suddenly, they heard a bell. It clanged and clanked, it was loud and long. Percy was puzzled.
03:01"What's that?"
03:03Then, out of the smoke steamed Belle.
03:09Belle had just arrived on the island. Her brass bell rang, her whislte blew.
03:19"I can help, sir!"
03:21The Fat Controller was pleased.
03:24"Buffer up, Belle! We need your water!"
03:28"Right away, sir!"
03:30Then, with a gurgle and a gush and a rumble and a rush, water shot out of two spouts high on Belle's water tanks. Thomas and Percy were surprised.
03:44"I've never seen an engine do that before!"
03:48"Yes. One that shoots water from her tanks!"
03:51"You must be Thomas and Percy. I'm Belle."
03:57"You're big, Belle!"
04:00"You're brave, Belle!"
04:02"I just want to be really useful!"
04:06So, Belle whooshed water into the flames. They flickered and fizzed, they crackled and cracked and, at last, the fire was out. The Fat Controller was pleased.
04:22"Well done, Thomas and Percy. And well done, Belle! Welcome to Sodor! Now, chuff to the wash-down!"
04:33But Belle couldn't puff. Belle couldn't huff. She had run out of water.
04:42"Trembling tracks!"
04:44"Don't worry, Belle. Percy and I can puff you to the Steamworks. Can't we, Percy?"
04:49Percy was late for his mail trucks, but he wanted to help Thomas and Belle.
04:56"Yes, Thomas. Happy to help. Pistons pumping!"
05:01And the two best friends buffered up to Belle.
05:07At the Steamworks, the Fat Controller was stern.
05:12"You were a really useful engine, Belle. We've never had an engine that fights fire, but you can't do it alone. Another fire engine is what we need on Sodor."
05:27"Then, sir, I know who you need. You need Flynn the Fire Engine. He's fast and he's fearless and he's a really red fire engine. He's a hero!"
05:41"I've never met a hero before!"
05:47"Sodor engines are all heroes to me!"
05:51"Quite right, Belle. So Flynn will come to Sodor. You'll be our fire engines. Thomas, you will show Belle around our island."
06:03"And, Percy, the mail trucks are waiting!"
06:11In the morning, Belle chuffed up to Tidmouth Sheds. She rang her bell brightly.
06:19"Good morning to you all!"
06:22The engines were surprised. Thomas beamed.
06:28"Good morning, Belle!"
06:31"Good morning, Thomas!"
06:33But Thomas was already puffing proudly away with Belle.
06:38"Goodbye, Thomas..."
06:42First, Thomas took Belle to the docks. Even Cranky liked Belle.
06:49"Anything that needs lifting, just ask."
06:53"Thank you, Cranky."
07:02"Could you help me, Cranky? Those packages are big and heavy."
07:06"I don't meddle with mail - that's your job!"
07:11"Thank you, Cranky."
07:13And Percy puffed back to his trucks, sad.
07:23Next, Thomas showed Belle Knapford Station. Percy puffed up.
07:31"Good morning, Percy! Are you still busy with your mail trucks? That's a special job."
07:40"We must hurry, Belle!"
07:43Percy watched Thomas and Belle clatter and chatter away.
07:49"Delivering the mail isn't a special job at all."
07:53Diesel oiled over.
07:56"Your best friend's having a very good time with that big blue engine."
08:02Percy's firebox fizzled.
08:05"Yes...he is."
08:11Later, Thomas and Belle visited the Steamworks. Percy pulled up. He could hear Thomas laughing with Belle and Victor.
08:22DIESEL: "Are you on your own again, Percy?"
08:25Percy was surprised.
08:27"I'm busy."
08:29"Thomas is busier. With Belle."
08:38"Hello, Diesel! The Steamworks is so grand! Do the diesels have somewhere like this?"
08:45"We have the Dieselworks. But it's not grand like the Steamworks at all."
08:54"I'd like to visit."
08:56"We have to go, Belle."
08:59Diesel snorted, then he slipped slowly away.
09:03"Bye, Percy!"
09:05"Bye, Diesel."
09:08Thomas rattled his rods.
09:10"Sodor steamies don't go to the Dieselworks. It's dark and it's dirty and it's full of diesels. Diesels can be devious."
09:23"Oh, my."
09:27THOMAS: "Hurry, Belle! We have trucks to shunt!"
09:33"Perhaps I could help you later?"
09:35But Thomas and Belle had already whooshed away and Percy was left alone.
09:45The next morning, Percy dropped off mail sacks at Wellsworth Station. Diesel saw Percy. He oiled to a stop.
09:56"Your best friend doesn't have time for you anymore, Percy."
10:01Percy felt sad; Diesel was right.
10:06"You should find a new best friend. A friend who has time for you, a friend who listens to you."
10:14Diesel smiled at Percy. Percy wanted a friend. An idea popped in his pistons.
10:22"Diesel, would you like to deliver the mail with me?"
10:27"I'd like to, Percy, but I have to go to the Dieselworks. My friends are waiting for me there."
10:35And Diesel clattered away.
10:45"Diesel said his friends were waiting for him. My best friend Thomas isn't waiting for me anymore. No-one's waiting for me."
10:56The next day, Percy was at the docks. He had to pick up a large parcel.
11:04"Flynn the Fire Engine will arrive soon. This is his hose. It is very important. Please deliver it safely to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre."
11:16Percy puffed proudly. Diesel clattered over.
11:22"Flynn will be another new friend for Thomas. Then he'll have even less time for you."
11:28Percy wanted to tell Diesel that he was wrong, but he knew Diesel was right. Diesel clanked closer.
11:38"Last night, I told my friend at the Dieselworks about you. He'd like you to visit. He told me to tell you that you'd be a very special visitor there. He'd have a lot of time for you."
11:52"Thank you, Diesel! Are you sure?"
11:56"I'm very sure, Percy."
12:02Then, Diesel saw Thomas and Belle. He slid swiftly away.
12:11"Hello, Percy! That looks like a very special special!"
12:14Percy was happy his best friend had noticed him.
12:19"It is, Thomas! It's Flynn's hose! Would you like to chuff with me to deliver it?"
12:25"I'm sorry, Percy. Belle and I are taking the children to the beach at Bluff's Cove! See you later, Percy!"
12:36Percy felt sad. Then, Percy felt something quite different. Percy felt cross!
12:49Percy pulled up to a junction. The right track went to the Rescue Centre, the left track led to the Dieselworks. Percy wheeshed and whooshed, Diesel's words flew round his funnel.
13:07"You'd be a very special visitor, you'd be a very special visitor..."
13:12"Diesels can be devious, diesels can be devious..."
13:18Percy wanted to feel special. He wanted someone to have a lot of time for him.
13:26Percy made a decision.
13:29"I'll take the left track. I'll puff to the Dieselworks!"
13:40Percy stopped.
13:44The Dieselworks was now right in front of him. His pistons pounded and his firebox flared.
13:53"Thomas says no steamies should puff to the Dieselworks, but Thomas doesn't want to be with me and Diesel's friend does."
14:04So wheel-turn by wheel-turn, Percy puffed closer to the Dieselworks.
14:12"Trembling tracks! I've never seen anything like this before!"
14:22The buildings were old and odd. They were dark and dirty. It was nothing like the Steamworks, but it was very exciting.
14:38Percy felt special.
14:42"I'm not just Percy who pulls the mail trucks, I'm Percy the Brave. I'm Percy the Special. I'm Percy at the Dieselworks!"
14:55A shape slid from the shadows.
15:00Percy knew who it was.
15:03"Diesel 10!"
15:07"Hello, Percy! Diesel said you might come to visit! What an honour! It's been a very long time!"
15:24"Diesel's been telling me all about you. You're a very special engine, Percy. Why don't you puff in?"
15:37Percy whooshed and Percy wheeshed. The words raced round and round his rods. No-one called him a special engine.
15:48"Thomas doesn't think I'm a special engine anymore. Or a special friend. But Diesel 10 does."
15:57So wheel-turn by wheel-turn, Percy puffed into the Dieselworks and into the shadow of Diesel 10.
16:14Percy gasped. The Dieselworks was greasy and grimy. It had strange smells and new noises. And it was full of diesels. Percy's wheels wobbled, but his boiler bubbled bravely.
16:40All the diesels stopped and stared...at Percy.
16:46"Welcome to the Dieselworks, Percy!"
16:51Percy's eyes were wide with wonder.
16:55"The Dieselworks is not grand and gleaming like your Steamworks, but we're happy to have you here!"
17:05"Thank you, Diesel 10!"
17:09Then, suddenly from the shadows, with a bump and a bang and a clatter and a clang, rattled two diesels Percy had never seen before.
17:22"Hullo. I'm Den! Err...well, what I mean to say is..."
17:27"What Den means to say is, that's he's the boss and I 'elp him. A lot. I'm Dart."
17:32"If you're broken, we fix you!"
17:35"But you're a steamie - so we won't fix you!"
17:39Dart giggled 'til his sides shook.
17:42"That's a joke! I like jokes!"
17:46Percy smiled. He wanted his new friends to like him.
17:50"I like jokes, too! Shall I tell you one?"
17:55"Go on then."
17:57Percy had never told a joke before. His funnel fluttered.
18:02"What do you call a train that has a cold?"
18:07"Err...I think...err...well, what I mean is..."
18:13"What he means is, he doesn't know!"
18:16"A a-choo-choo train!"
18:24All the diesels laughed and Diesel 10 laughed loudest of all.
18:30"Ha-ha-ha! Oh, you're funny, Percy! Very funny! Come, tell us about yourself. We want to hear."
18:42Percy felt very special.
18:46"I pull the mail trucks. It's...err..."
18:51"Very important job, Percy! Very important indeed."
19:00"I've forgotten all about my very important parcel! I have to deliver it to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre! It's the hose for Flynn, the new fire engine!"
19:12Diesel 10's eyes flashed. His voice flared.
19:17"Dart, take care of Percy's parcel for him. You know what to do."
19:28Percy was worried.
19:30"It's a very important parcel."
19:33"Indeed, Percy. Don't worry."
19:40Suddenly, Mavis rolled in, shunted by Salty. Mavis was surprised to see Percy.
19:49"Hello, Mavis."
19:50"Hello, Percy. My rods are rattlin'. Den will fix me!"
19:56"Hey! Den fixes all of us diesels with a whisk of his wheels, me hearty!"
20:02"Even though his tools are old and the sheds are shoddy. Arr!"
20:08"You should tell the Fat Controller that you need a new Dieselworks!"
20:13"We have. But the Fat Controller doesn't listen to diesels. He only listens to steamies."
20:22Percy was surprised. Then, an idea flew into his funnel.
20:29"Perhaps I can help you?"
20:32Diesel 10 snapped a smile.
20:34"I'd like that, Percy."
20:37"I can ask Thomas to tell the Fat Controller that you need a new Dieselworks. The Fat Controller always listens to Thomas."
20:47"That's a very good idea, Percy. Thank you."
20:53Diesel 10 smiled a bigger smile. Percy pumped his pistons.
20:59"I'll go and find Thomas right away!"
21:03"Come back soon, Percy. I'll be waiting..."
21:10"Oh! Ow! Argh! Oh. Oh..."
21:17Percy puffed and he huffed, he rattled and rolled. His boiler bubbled brightly.
21:28At Brendam Docks, Flynn the Fire Engine had just arrived. Everyone was excited. Even Cranky was curious.
21:41"I've never seen an engine like you before!"
21:44MEN: "Oh - look at that!"
21:48"Flynn's the name. What's yours?"
21:58"That's funny, Cranky!"
22:03MEN: "Hooray! Hooray!"
22:08Later, Percy found Thomas at the Steamworks. He wanted to tell him about Diesel 10.
22:17FAT CONTROLLER: "Percy! Where have you been? You're late to meet Flynn the Fire Engine!"
22:26Flynn flashed a friendly smile.
22:29"Hello, Percy!"
22:31Percy gulped.
22:33"What do you think, Percy?"
22:36Flynn really did look fast and fearless.
22:40"The Fat Controller has asked me to show Flynn around the island! The children will clap and cheer!"
22:48Thomas chuffed closer to Flynn. Flynn was important. Percy didn't feel important. So, Percy puffed sadly away and no-one noticed at all.
23:05Percy was alone at Tidmouth Sheds. He didn't feel special. Then, Percy made a decision.
23:16"No-one takes any notice of me here. Tomorrow, I will puff back to the Dieselworks. Diesel 10 takes notice of me. Diesel 10 will be pleased to see me."
23:34The next morning, Percy puffed and he huffed, he rattled and rolled all the way from Tidmouth Sheds and back to the Dieselworks.
23:52Diesel 10 was pleased to see him.
23:55"Hello, Percy! Did you tell Thomas to speak to the Fat Controller?"
24:02Percy chuffed and puffed.
24:04"I tried, but Thomas was very busy. He didn't have time to listen."
24:10Diesel 10 clenched his claw. Just then, there was a crash.
24:16"Oh, dizzy diesels! Who put that there?"
24:22"Dart, slow down. You'll get bashed and battered."
24:28"I AM bashed and battered! I've asked and I've asked - we need a new crane! Instead of old Happy Hook here!"
24:40Everyone went quiet. Except Percy.
24:44"Of course you need a new crane. 'You can't fix an engine without a crane', that's what Victor says."
24:53"He's right, Percy."
24:55Diesel 10 lowered his claw.
24:59"Very good, Percy. You see the trouble we have. You steamies have Kevin. Poor diesels. It's not fair, is it?"
25:14So, Percy raced to find Thomas. He puffed and he huffed, he rattled and rolled all the way from the Dieselworks to the Steamworks. Percy burst in.
25:31Thomas wasn't there. Percy puffed close to Kevin.
25:39"Kevin, I've been to the Dieselworks."
25:43"You shouldn't go there."
25:46"The diesels are really friendly, Kevin, but they don't have a crane."
25:53VICTOR: "Kevin!"
25:55"Sorry, boss! They don't have a crane? 'You can't fix an engine without a crane', that's what Victor says."
26:05"I know."
26:06Suddenly, an idea buzzed in Percy's boiler.
26:11"Kevin, you could go to the Dieselworks. They need you there. You'd be their hero! That's what Diesel 10 would say, I'm sure."
26:23"Diesel 10? He would call ME a hero?"
26:29"I'm sure he would!"
26:32"Heavin' hooks! I've never been a hero before."
26:39Suddenly, Thomas whooshed in.
26:42"Percy, I've been looking for you all day! Victor sent me to the Search and Rescue Centre to pick up Flynn's hose, but it's not there!"
26:52Percy was puzzled.
26:54"It's not there? It must be. A friend delivered it for me! He must've dropped it off to the wrong shed?"
27:04"Then, you must find it, Percy. Flynn needs it now!"
27:09"Thomas, I've been trying to tell you something very important."
27:13But Thomas wasn't listening. He had chuffed to Victor.
27:18"Don't worry, Victor! Percy will chuff away fast to find Flynn's hose."
27:23Kevin spoke quietly to Percy.
27:26"I've been thinking about what you said, about being a hero? I'd like to, I just don't know where the Dieselworks is. Is it a long way?"
27:37"Kevin, please! How many times do I have to tell you, no chitty-chattering. You too, Percy, puff along. Flynn needs his hose."
27:47"Of course he does, Victor. Very sorry, Victor. Right away, Victor."
27:58At the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre, Percy looked for Flynn's hose.
28:05"I'm sure Dart must've delivered it here."
28:08But Percy couldn't find Flynn's hose anywhere.
28:12"Can we help you, Percy?"
28:14"No, thank you, Rocky. I must hurry."
28:18And Percy whooshed away.
28:24Percy searched on all the tracks. He huffed and chuffed until the daytime turned to night and still he hadn't found the hose.
28:38Then, Percy screeched to a stop. His eyes popped wide - Flynn was in Percy's place at Tidmouth Sheds, next to Thomas.
28:50"Percy! Good to see you! Thomas said I could ease my axles here...until you came back, of course!"
28:58Percy wheeshed and Percy whooshed. He was upset.
29:04"Where have you been, Percy?"
29:07Percy looked at Thomas. His best friend didn't feel like his best friend anymore. That made Percy feel lonely. It made him want to be with his new friends.
29:23"You can stay in my place, Flynn. I am busy. I have to puff away."
29:29Percy had made a decision; he would take Kevin to the Dieselworks. He would help his new friends.
29:43At the Steamworks, Kevin was alone. He trundled around, tidying up. Victor was asleep. Percy whispered and wheeshed.
29:59"Oh? Ohhh..."
30:03"Kevin, I've had an idea."
30:06Kevin was puzzled.
30:08"I can take you to the Dieselworks. We'll go right away. They need you!"
30:17And before Kevin could swing his hook, he was up and away on the flatbed. Percy puffed and he huffed, he rattled and rolled. Kevin giggled and jiggled all the way from the Steamworks to the Dieselworks.
30:43Diesel 10 was delighted.
30:47"Kevin! Welcome! We are honoured. Very honoured indeed. We need you. You are a hero."
31:00Kevin beamed. Dart and Den clanked over.
31:07"Dizzy diesels! Time to sling that hook, Kevin!"
31:13"Very good, Percy. Very good indeed. I'm very pleased you brought Kevin to us."
31:21"Thank you, Diesel 10!"
31:24"But what about Thomas? Have you asked him to speak to the Fat Controller?"
31:31Percy puffed; he didn't want to tell Diesel 10 that Thomas was too busy to listen to him. Percy didn't want Diesel 10 to be cross with him.
31:41"I'm sorry. Thomas is especially busy. He hasn't time to talk to anyone, but I will ask him. Then, he will tell the Fat Controller you need a new Dieselworks!"
31:53Diesel 10 clapped crossly.
31:56"Then you must bring Thomas here! That way, we will have his full attention."
32:03Percy's wheels wobbled. Diesel 10 was serious. Diesel 10 was scary.
32:12"Yes, I'll bring Thomas to you."
32:15Percy smiled. He wheeshed weakly. He knew Thomas wouldn't want to come to the Dieselworks.
32:22"Good, Percy. You and Kevin will stay the night here now."
32:38"Oh, not again!"
32:41The next morning, Percy clickety-clacked along the track, his boiler bubbled brightly; he had stayed the whole night at the Dieselworks.
32:54"I'm sure no other steamie has ever done that!"
33:00Percy puffed cheerfully into Knapford Station. Toby steamed with surprise to see him.
33:08"Where have you been, Percy?"
33:10"Thomas has been looking everywhere for you!"
33:13"You weren't at Tidmouth Sheds."
33:15"Thomas is worried."
33:19Then, Thomas wheeshed in.
33:22"Percy! Where have you been?"
33:25Percy puffed proudly.
33:27"I spent the night with my friends!"
33:30"We're your friends!"
33:32"No, I was with my new friends - the diesels!"
33:37"The diesels?!"
33:38"They think I'm special. Diesel 10 said so."
33:42ALL: "Diesel 10?!"
33:45The engines shuddered and shook. Then, Gordon thundered in. His cheeks were red, his wheels were whirring.
33:54"Kevin's gone from the Steamworks!"
33:59Percy was proud.
34:01"I know! He's being really useful!"
34:05"At the Dieselworks."
34:07"Cinders and ashes! Does Victor know?"
34:10Percy wheeshed.
34:12"Not yet."
34:15"Then, you have to tell him, Percy. We must whoosh there right away!"
34:24Thomas was worried about Kevin, but Kevin was having fun at the Dieselworks with a new friend.
34:31"Ready, Happy Hook? Swing the hook!"
34:38"Ha-ha! This is fun, Happy Hook! Swing the hook!"
34:48"Kevin! I don't have time for silly games! Please, move that rubbish."
34:58"Err...yes, boss."
35:05"It's not fair!"
35:09At the Steamworks, suddenly everyone was listening to Percy.
35:15"The Dieselworks is old and oily. They don't even have a crane! That's why I took Kevin there. They need him."
35:25Victor was upset.
35:28"I need Kevin!"
35:31Percy looked at Thomas. His best friend still wasn't listening to him. So, Percy made a decision.
35:40"Victor, I know you want Kevin back. Thomas must go to the Dieselworks to collect him."
35:47The engines were silent. The engines stared. Percy felt powerful.
35:56Victor gasped.
35:58"Trembling tracks! The Fat Controller must know about this!"
36:02So, Percy puffed and he huffed, he rattled and rolled all the way from the Steamworks to the Dieselworks.
36:19At the Dieselworks, Diesel 10 smiled his biggest smile.
36:26"Thomas will be here soon!"
36:28"And where is Victor?"
36:32"He's gone to tell the Fat Controller."
36:34"So, Victor has left the Steamworks?"
36:39"That's good, Percy. Very good indeed."
36:43Percy was puzzled.
36:45"Percy, we are going to do something very special. We are going to take over the Steamworks!"
36:58DIESEL 10: "And you will lead us! When we have the Steamworks, the Fat Controller will listen to us and you will be our hero."
37:12Percy whooshed.
37:15"But what about Thomas?"
37:17Diesel 10's claw clanked.
37:20"Thomas will stay here with Kevin. Then, I will send for him to join us when the Fat Controller has listened to me. Are you ready, Percy?"
37:33Just then, Thomas rattled in.
37:40"Welcome, Thomas! We've been waiting for you...for so long! Den and Dart will take care of you. Percy and I are busy."
37:54"Come with us. To the back shed."
37:57"I don't want to puff to the back shed, I want to take Kevin back to the Steamworks!"
38:03"Dizzy diesels! You have to stay here. We're going to 'take care' of you. Aren't we, Kevin?"
38:14"That's right, Thomas. We can play 'swing the hook' with Happy Hook! It's fun...boss."
38:21Percy saw Thomas. Thomas saw Percy. Diesel 10's claw clashed, sparks flew.
38:32"Are you ready to be a hero, Percy?"
38:36Percy smiled. Suddenly, he felt grander than Gordon, more special than Spencer!
38:45"Yes, I am!"
38:53As Den and Dart took Thomas to the back shed, he called out to his friend.
39:00But Percy was already gone, leading the charge of the diesels. Percy huffed and puffed, his pistons pumping as the diesels rattled and roared behind.
39:14They thundered through Henry's Tunnel as they raced towards the Steamworks.
39:21"Here you are - the Steamworks!"
39:27The Steamworks was quiet. Everything was quiet. Everything was calm. Percy was proud. Percy waited for Diesel 10 to cheer and clap for Percy the Hero, but Diesel 10 didn't cheer. He didn't clap. He didn't take any notice of Percy at all. Instead, he cackled.
39:54"The Steamworks is ours! It's all ours! We won't give it back now!"
40:03Percy shook with surprise.
40:06"You have to give it back."
40:09"No we don't and we won't! Out of my way, you silly steamie!"
40:19The diesels whooped and raced, they twirled on the turntable...
40:30...they heaved on the hoist, they biffed into buffers. The Steamworks was theirs.
40:44"Bust my buffers! This is a disaster! What about Thomas?"
40:51Diesel 10 crackled.
40:54"What about Thomas? He's ours, too! Silly steamies! Silly steamies!"
41:02Percy's firebox fizzed; he felt less special than ever.
41:09"I thought I was a hero. I thought I was important. I thought I had new friends. But now Thomas is trapped at the Dieselworks, the diesels have taken over the Steamworks and it's all my fault."
41:29Percy felt terrible.
41:35"Diesel 10 isn't my friend. Thomas is my friend. He's my best friend! And he's in trouble!"
41:47Percy looked round the Steamworks.
41:50"I can't rescue the Steamworks alone, but I can rescue Thomas!"
41:59"I'm coming, Thomas! My best, best friend!"
42:05Percy raced like the wind, his boiler bubbled.
42:11"I've been very silly, but I'll put it all right!"
42:18Percy raced into the main shed of the Dieselworks.
42:22"Thomas! I'm here! I've come to rescue you!"
42:28"Fire! Bubbling boilers! I must find Belle and Flynn right away!"
42:38Percy puffed and he chuffed, 'til his coals burnt bright. Percy raced like the wind to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre.
42:54"Belle, Flynn, the Dieselworks is on fire!"
43:00"Don't worry, Percy! I'm ready and raring to rescue!"
43:04Flynn honked and hooted.
43:07"But you don't have your hose, Flynn?"
43:10Flynn looked worried.
43:12"Percy, where is Flynn's hose?"
43:15Now, Percy looked worried. He still hadn't found Flynn's hose.
43:21"Dart said he'd deliver it to you!"
43:23"But he didn't!"
43:25"Of course! I've been a very silly steamie. Diesel 10 tricked me. The hose must still be at the Dieselworks."
43:39Percy pumped his pistons.
43:41"We have no time to lose!"
43:49Together, Percy, Belle and Flynn roared and raced.
44:01The main shed at the Dieselworks flickered with fire. Then, Percy heard a whistle he knew. It was Thomas!
44:12"Thomas is in the back shed! Hurry, Belle! Hurry, Flynn!"
44:16Percy, Belle and Flynn wheeshed to the back shed. Thomas WAS there. So were Den, Dart and Kevin. Now they could all smell the smoke and they were worried.
44:30"Where's Flynn's hose, Den?"
44:33"Hose? What hose? Err...don't know."
44:37"What he means is, he doesn't know what you're talking about."
44:40"Yes, he does! You said you'd deliver it to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre, but you didn't! You tricked me! Where is it now? It's an emergency!"
44:51Den gurgled, Dart gasped.
44:55"It's in the rubbish, round the back."
44:58"Don't worry, Percy!"
44:59"We'll find the hose!"
45:01Percy wheeshed and whistled at Den and Dart.
45:04"Now, let Thomas go!"
45:07"Diesel 10 gave us orders."
45:09"What he means is, we're not moving."
45:13"Then you're sillier than I thought you were! The Dieselworks is on fire! The building will burn!"
45:20"I think we should..."
45:28"You're free, Thomas!"
45:30"Thank you, Percy!"
45:32And the two best friends steamed quickly away.
45:39In the front shed, the fire raged. Thomas and Percy stopped. They watched Flynn and Belle. Kevin was worried.
45:51"Heavin' hooks! I've never seen a fire before! It's scary!"
45:57But Flynn and Belle weren't scared.
45:59"Stay back! Stay calm! There's no cause for alarm!"
46:04They faced the fire. Flynn had his new hose. It was long, it was strong, water flowed fast, it flew into the fire. The flames hissed and fizzed, they flickered and flashed. The smoke whirled and twirled as Flynn and Belle fought the fire.
46:26"We're winning!"
46:31"I told you Flynn was fast and fearless!"
46:36"Hurray for Flynn!"
46:38"Hurray for Belle!"
46:42Now the flames had faded, the fire was out. The Dieselworks was saved. Suddenly, Percy gasped.
46:55"Thomas, Diesel 10 and the diesels have taken over the Steamworks! We have to race to the rescue! Will you help me?"
47:04"Of course I will, Percy! We'll fetch all our friends, we'll hoot and we'll toot, we'll wheesh and we'll whoosh and we'll win the Steamworks back!"
47:15Percy peeped with pride.
47:18"Let's chuff and huff our hardest, Thomas! Come on, Kevin, we're taking you home!"
47:24"Thank you, Flynn!"
47:26"Thank you, Belle!"
47:33Thomas and Percy clickety-clacked along the tracks. Kevin rolled and rattled on the flatbed. Their pistons pumped with excitement.
47:44First, they told Edward and Henry.
47:47"We're coming!"
47:48BOTH: "We're with you!"
47:52Next, they found Gordon and James.
47:55"The diesels must not get away with this!"
47:59"We'll stop their trickery with a whoosh and a wheesh!"
48:04Then, they found Emily. She was at Brendam Docks.
48:09"We won't rest or stop 'til we've pushed them all out!"
48:14Toby was worried, then he saw all his steamie friends. That made Toby strong and stern.
48:23"They won't get away with this! What they're doing is wrong!"
48:29So together they steamed, they were fearless and fast, they hooted and tooted, they whistled and wheeshed to save the Steamworks!
48:42At the Steamworks, the diesels were still having a party. They hooted and honked. Diesel 10 whirled and twirled on the turnatable. Then, the steamies charged in. Thomas and Percy led their friends. The diesels were surprised.
49:05"The Steamworks is ours now!"
49:08Percy was strong, Thomas was stern.
49:12"No, the Steamworks is ours!"
49:15Diesel 10's claw clanked. He was cross.
49:21"We know you want it..."
49:24"But taking it is not right!"
49:26"You tricked me!"
49:28THOMAS: "But we won't trick you!"
49:30"We want to be fair. Then, we can help you."
49:35The Steamworks was silent. No engine puffed, no engine moved. They waited and watched Diesel 10. Then, Diesel 10 crashed his claw.
49:51"How will you help us?"
49:56"Thomas will talk to the Fat Controller."
49:59"I will tell him you need a new Dieselworks."
50:05Just then, the Fat Controller arrived. He was cross.
50:16"Diesel 10! What do you think you are doing?"
50:24"You, Diesel 10, are an engine on my railway! You'll do as I say when I say it! Do you understand?"
50:35Diesel 10 whimpered.
50:40"You have caused confusion and delay! The Dieselworks has been on fire, the Steamworks has been bashed and banged and, because of you, none of my engines is being really useful! You will put right everything you've damaged!"
51:01Percy puffed his biggest puff.
51:04"Sir, Diesel 10 is sad because the Dieselworks is old and dirty."
51:11"It's oily and noisy."
51:14"And it doesn't have a crane...boss."
51:19PERCY: "That's why Diesel 10 has been bad."
51:22"Sir, please may the diesels have a new Dieselworks?"
51:27"Of course the diesels will have a new Dieselworks. These things take time. Everyone must wait their turn. And you will see, Diesel 10, some things are well worth waiting for!"
51:44Thomas and Percy looked at Diesel 10 and Diesel 10 smiled.
51:54The diesels and steamies worked well together. It was tough, rough work, but each day they all puffed and huffed their hardest.
52:10Thomas and Percy worked side-by-side. Their boilers bubbled and their fireboxes fizzed. Henry and Edward raced along the rails, pushing and pulling. Gordon and Emily whistled as they worked in the yard.
52:30And Den and Dart rattled and rolled so fast and so far, they both felt quite dizzy.
52:38"Huh? Oh! My wheels are all wobbly!"
52:41"My axles are aching!"
52:45At last, the new Dieselworks was finished. It was grand. Even Happy Hook was fixed. The steamies puffed with pride, the diesels cheered for a job well-done. Then, the Fat Controller arrived. He smiled from ear to ear! The engines hushed.
53:15"The new Dieselworks is a very special building. Not just because it is new, not just because it is grand, but because it shows what can happen when really useful engines work together!"
53:36"You must all know that none of my engines is ever forgotten. You are all special and I am proud of you all!"
53:48The steamies and diesels honked and hooted in agreement! Even Diesel 10 smiled.
53:56"Very well said!"
53:57"Here, here!"
54:00Percy puffed up to Thomas.
54:04"Yes, Percy?"
54:06"When I'm with you, I feel most proud of all and most special of all."
54:13Thomas beamed from buffer-to-buffer.
54:16"That's strange, Percy."
54:18"Why, Thomas?"
54:19"Because that's exactly how I feel when I'm with you!"
54:24And the two best friends giggled and jiggled with joy.
54:38# Once upon a time, not so very long ago
54:40# There was a little trouble going on
54:43# Diesels made the steamies pretty mad
54:46# None of them could even get along
54:49# There they go, heading for the Steamworks!
54:55# Honking horns, listen to the rolling thunder! (Rolling thunder!)
55:01# Day of the Diesels!
55:04# 'Arry, Bert, Paxton, Diesel and Den
55:07# Day of the Diesels!
55:09# Norman, Dart and Diesel 10
55:15# Percy thought he didn't have a friend in the world
55:18# How very, very wrong could he be?
55:21# With a friend like Thomas rolling by his side
55:24# He couldn't be in better company
55:27# There they go, heading for the Steamworks! (Heading for the Steamworks!)
55:33# Whistles blow, listen to the rolling thunder! (Rolling thunder!)
55:39# Day of the Diesels! (Yeah, yeah!)
55:41# 'Arry, Bert, Paxton, Diesel and Den
55:44# Day of the Diesels! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
55:48# Norman, Dart and Diesel 10
55:50# Day of the Diesels!
55:53# 'Arry, Bert, Paxton, Diesel and Den
55:56# Day of the Diesels!
55:59# Norman, Dart and Diesel 10
56:02# Thomas and Percy, Gordon and Henry
56:05# Fiery Flynn, he roars to the rescue
56:08# James and Edward, Toby and Emily
56:11# Don't forget Belle - big, brave and bright blue
56:14# Rolling thunder (Rolling thunder)
56:19# With the Dieselworks all cinders and ashes
56:22# There's only one thing to do
56:25# Put aside your worries and just pull together
56:28# It's the only way to get through
56:31# There they go, building it together (All together!)
56:37# Dieselworks, rising from the rolling thunder (Rolling thunder!)
56:43# Day of the Diesels! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
56:45# 'Arry, Bert, Paxton, Diesel and Den
56:48# Day of the Diesels! (Woo-hoo!)
56:51# Norman, Dart and Diesel 10
56:54# Day of the Diesels!
56:57# 'Arry, Bert, Paxton, Diesel and Den
57:00# Day of the Diesels! (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
57:03# Norman, Dart and Diesel 10
57:06# Day of the Diesels #
57:11Subtitles by TTTEpisodes
57:25By purchasing this DVD, you are supporting the UK film and television industry. Thank you!
