【ENG SUB】盛唐幻夜 11 | An Oriental Odyssey 11(吴倩、郑业成、张雨剑、董琦主演)

  • 6年前
►An Oriental Odyssey Full Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x63cc6

盛唐洛阳,户部侍郎千金叶远安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被杀案中,误打误撞,结识了英勇的捕头赵澜之。两人携手破案 ,相识相知。远安从集市上救了一个身份神秘的失忆男子穆乐,收为家仆,岂料这个一根筋的男生对自己绝对忠诚,渐渐萌发爱恋痴念。在罗天洞、景王府等案件中,三人配合紧密,屡破奇案,并挫败了隐藏于这些案件背后的国师天桥夺取至宝九星念珠的阴谋。天桥之徒明慧郡主爱上澜之,以远安性命胁迫澜之成亲。远安倍感失落,赌气要嫁给穆乐,却被穆乐误会。穆乐伤心之余,发现自己竟是娑罗国落难王子,于是盗走刻有奇门异术的九星念珠,回国复仇,远安和赵澜之、明慧追踪而来,四人携手平定了祸乱,他们也因此找到了真爱所在。

Ye Yuan'an, the daughter of the vice-minister of ministry of finance, encountered with the brave head constable, Zhao Lanzhi in a prostitute-killed case. They solve the case together and gradually fall in love. On the journey, Ye saves Mu Le, who lost his memories, from a bazaar. Then the stubborn Mu becomes Ye's servant and is quite loyal to her. Afterwards, Ye, Zhao and Mu cooperate closely, trying hard to deal with special cases. Infanta Minghui, the disciple of the state master, Tianqiao, falls in love with Zhao Lanzhi and threatens him to marry her with her life. Besides the secret of Mu’s identity and the chaos to be conquered, the four also have to deal with the complex relationships between them.

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00:00♫ Are you still waiting? ♫
00:04♫ The wind blows away the sand. ♫
00:07♫ The past prosperity vanishes. ♫
00:10♫ I'm alone in the world. ♫
00:14♫ Your profile is drowned in the darkness. ♫
00:20♫ My memory goes wrong. ♫
00:23♫ I can't hold your hands. ♫
00:29♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫
00:32♫ I'm afraid even I doubt myself.♫
00:36♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫
00:41♫ they are not real. ♫
00:43♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫
00:46♫ I want to give you more. ♫
00:49♫ The more I do, the more mistakes I make. ♫
00:53♫ I'm always by your side. ♫
00:57♫ I'm waiting for you. ♫
01:04♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫
01:06♫ I don't forget your persistence. ♫
01:10♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫
01:15♫ they are all real. ♫
01:17♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫
01:20♫ I don't want to be the only one in love. ♫
01:24♫ How to break through all the barriers? ♫
01:29An Oriental Odyssey
01:33Episode 11
01:36Get out of the way!
01:41This man was nearby last night
01:42when it happened,
01:44He claimed that he saw everything.
01:47What did you see?
01:49That man...
01:51He wasn't a human at all.
01:52He was a ghost wearing a cape.
01:56He came and went without casting a shadow.
01:59And he didn't have a face.
02:02Are you sure he didn't have a face?
02:05Yes, I am sure.
02:54Miss, he's here.
02:56Shall we go now?
02:58What's the rush?
02:59Look at that fishing man.
03:03What matters most is patience.
03:05Let him wait a bit longer.
03:15Teacher, look.
03:17What do you think?
03:19I'm sure that you're quite talented in other things,
03:23but flower arrangement is certainly not for you.
03:27I said I wasn't good at girlish stuff.
03:29I really can't handle it.
03:32Then why did you do it in the first place?
03:34Someone told me to make flower arrangement
03:36and give it to him as a gift.
03:38I see.
03:43I need to ask a favor of you.
03:46could you help me with the gift
03:50so that I can give it to him?
03:52What do you think?
03:53Of course not. It's cheating.
03:56Come on.
03:57I will devote all of my time
03:59and energy to study in the future.
04:00Your reputation won't be damaged.
04:03I'll help you this once.
04:07Well then.
04:08Thank you, teacher.
04:18Since my service in court,
04:19I've never encountered such a difficult case.
04:22We've checked the victim's relations several times.
04:26She had no enemies.
04:28What a pity. She was so young.
04:34Do you think there was a ghost like what they said?
04:48How long have you been here?
04:49I should ask you that.
04:56this is for you.
05:03You made this?
05:07You think that I can only brandish swords?
05:08That this is not my forte?
05:11I wanna thank you for the potted plant you gave me.
05:15You're so kind.
05:18I just heard that there is an unusual case.
05:22Tell me about it.
05:24I'm happy that you gave this to me,
05:26but out of duty
05:27I'm not allowed to say anything about the case.
05:30It's almost time to eat. Go home now.
05:32Zhao Lanzhi!
05:38Mu Le.
05:40Mu Le.
05:41A girl's here to see you.
05:46I'll leave you alone.
05:53What brings you here?
05:54I wouldn't have been here
05:56if you had kept your promise.
05:58It's you who didn't keep your words.
06:02If I hadn't been there,
06:04how would I know that
06:05there was a fishing man wearing a raincoat?
06:11Then how is it possible that I didn't see you?
06:14It was raining,
06:15so I hid in the pavilion with my maid servant.
06:17Maybe we missed each other.
06:24This is for you. We're even now.
06:34This pair of earrings is not cheap,
06:37but compared with my Meng Jin Yuan earring,
06:39it's not even close.
06:40Mine is more than ten times,
06:43maybe a hundred times pricier.
06:46Give it back then.
06:48How dare you speak to me like that?
06:50I'm gonna tell Miss Ye.
06:53It has nothing to do with Yuan'an.
06:55You don't have a say in this.
06:57Let's go.
06:58Come here.
07:06Miss Shui Yue.
07:10What can I help you?
07:17That day on the market
07:18I saw your servant deftly feeding the horse,
07:21so I come here to ask for advice.
07:26Miss, you probably don't know this,
07:27but our servant knows horses language.
07:30So maybe it's very hard for others to learn.
07:35But you rarely come here,
07:39let me show you around.
07:41Thank you.
07:42This way please.
07:56It's beautiful.
07:57The lotus pond is impressive.
08:00In your opinion,
08:01how should I arrange these flowers?
08:05Lotus is fresh and elegant,
08:07and it can capture people's attention with some leaves.
08:11You're right.
08:14I heard that
08:15girls who like taking care of flowers
08:17are secretly in love with someone.
08:20I wonder who is so lucky
08:23to win your heart.
08:25Stop teasing me.
08:27You know well that
08:28I only like swords and spears.
08:30They're merely for fun.
08:33I lost my parents at a young age
08:35and I don't have brothers or sisters.
08:38So I'm really delighted to see you
08:40after a long seperation.
08:42If you're in love with someone,
08:44feel free to tell me.
08:45I can help you.
08:48See, you clearly have someone in mind!
08:52Well, I don't have one at the moment,
08:54I may in the future.
08:56So it doesn't hurt to learn some.
08:58Right, it makes sense.
09:03From my point of view,
09:05The first thing you need to change
09:07is your make-up looks.
09:09My make-up looks?
09:11Now, let me help you.
09:20Done. Take a look.
09:28Is it really me in the mirror?
09:31You look entirely different, right?
09:35I haven't got used to it.
09:38Believe me,
09:39men prefer women who are charming and lovely.
09:43The way you look now will definitely make him fall in love with you.
09:48There is no "him".
09:50Fine, fine.
09:54Let me apply lipstick for you.
10:06Come here more often, Shui Yue.
10:09Don't worry about that.
10:10I will drop by more often.
10:12I hope you won't mind.
10:15You're more than welcome.
10:17I should say goodbye now.
10:20See you next time.
10:46Tell me.
10:47What did you say to her?
10:49She means a lot to you?
10:53You didn't speak ill of me, did you?
10:55You like her.
10:57A humble servant,
10:59daydreaming about your master.
11:02How ridiculous.
11:04It's none of your business.
11:07You'd better give up,
11:09because she has a special someone.
11:12Even if there were not one,
11:14you are just a servant
11:16and always will be.
11:19You will never be together.
11:21But, she never treats me like I'm a servant.
11:25Does she?
11:27Then why is it that
11:28you can only feed horses in that stinky stable?
11:31Why is it that you can only stand behind her?
11:33Why is it that she decides your fate
11:35and not conversely.
11:50I will make you come back to me.
11:56Infanta, have you found the book?
11:59I still have no clue.
12:02Well then,
12:03why don't you tell me the title
12:06so I can help you look for it?
12:11That's unnecessary.
12:12I will come by often in the future.
12:14Please give my regards to Prince.
12:16I will. Thank you.
12:25Shui Yue, long time no see.
12:28Infanta Minghui.
12:30I should have paid a visit to thank you
12:33for the medicine you gave to my grandfather.
12:35But I've been busy these days. So it was delayed.
12:38Shui Yue, don't mention it.
12:40It was no big deal.
12:42My brother 's worried about Prince Nanjing's health,
12:44but he was caught up in his job.
12:46So he entrusted the task to me,
12:47insisting I deliver the medicine myself.
12:49Thank you so much.
12:54Shui Yue,
12:56you look pale.
12:58Are you feeling under the weather?
13:02Thank you for your kindness, Infanta.
13:04Maybe I'm a bit tired.
13:07I may need some rest.
13:09If so,
13:10I'll get out of your hair.
13:11Have a good night.
13:13Good night.
13:23Yes, miss.
13:24Infanta Ming Hui has visited our mansion several times.
13:27What for?
13:28Her brother, Prince Yu, told her to deliver medicine.
13:35When I'm not around,
13:36keep an eye on her.
13:37Don't let her wander around.
13:40You'll be responsible if anything goes wrong.
13:42Yes, miss.
14:02Shui Yue,
14:03Your eye color is different,
14:05why is that?
14:06My mom is a foreigner.
14:08She has green eyes.
14:09So do I.
14:13They look beautiful.
14:14I wish I had green eyes, too.
14:26How strange!
14:29We haven't seen each other for several years.
14:31Does one's eye color change as time goes on?
14:40Mu Le,
14:41lead a horse to me.
14:45It's late.
14:46It's your job.
15:14Miss Ye, are you looking for Mr. Zhao?
15:16Where's he?
15:20What are you afraid of?
15:22I‘ve never heard that Miss Ye
15:23is a dear friend of Mr. Zhao.
15:26Tell her.
15:27Maybe she can help.
15:29That's right.
15:32Mr. Zhao is in...
15:37Yuan'an, he told us it was business
15:39and wouldn't let us go with him.
15:41I'll go anyway.
15:48make sure to look out for her.
15:50The girl that was murdered
15:52was young and beautiful, just like her.
16:16Miss, are you ok?
16:18Can I help you?
16:20I strained my foot.
16:22Does it hurt?
16:23Do you want a massage?
16:27Women and men should keep at a distance.
16:29How can you massage a stranger's foot?
16:32First time strangers, second time friends.
16:34We can kiss when we become close.
16:37You pervert!
16:52I've finally found a girl.
16:54Give me a kiss.
17:10Take him away.
17:11Yes sir.
17:17Well, Mr. zhao,
17:19are you convinced this time?
17:24You did all this,
17:26just to convince me?
17:28Ye Yuan'an,
17:31you're really capable.
17:36Can't you see I did all this to help you?
17:39Do you even have a conscience?
17:41It's men's job to catch criminals.
17:43Women shouldn't interfere.
17:45You think you can help me.
17:46This is a game for you?
17:49Did it ever cross your mind
17:50that this man could be the merciless murder?
17:52If anything happened to you,
17:54how could I face Mr. Ye?
17:58The reason why you care about my safety
17:59is that you are held responsible.
18:02Am I right?
18:06No wonder the first time I met you,
18:08I thought you sounded just like my father.
18:11I misjudged you.
18:19I meant well.
18:22How could my words become hurtful?
18:49The night my mother passed away
18:53the moon was quite full.
18:58I sat beside her bed,
19:01she clutched my hands and wept away.
19:08I guess she was unwilling to leave me,
19:18but I was too young to know what death was.
19:26She must have loved you so much.
19:35What about you?
19:38Do you remember what your mother was like?
19:47I can't remember my past.
19:51That's good.
19:55Sometimes it's better not to remember.
20:02Take myself as an example.
20:04It's upsetting to see my step-mother doting on Yuanning.
20:10And sometimes when Yuanning bullied me,
20:18I would think of my mother.
20:21She would never let others treat me like that.
20:26Your mother is in heaven protecting you.
20:51This is the only thing she left me.
21:00It must be broken when I fought with that guy.
21:08I shouldn't have interfered, right?
21:15My mother must hate me.
21:17She will never look for me.
21:19She will never come see me.
21:21She will never appear in my dreams.
21:28don't cry.
21:29You didn't do it on purpose,
21:30so your mother won't blame you.
21:35I'm sorry, mother.
22:17it's not him.
22:18Look carefully.
22:22I'm sure it's not him.
22:24He's too tall and too strong.
22:27And his body shape looks different.
22:30Be smart and let me go!
22:32Without evidence,
22:33how dare you accuse me of murder! Let me go!
22:37Our men have checked.
22:38He's a thief living ten li away in the Maoyan mountain.
22:41He molests women a lot,
22:43but he never commits murder.
22:48At least we caught a criminal.
22:50Lock him up.
22:54Let me go!
22:55Do you hear me?
22:57Let me go!
22:59Let me go!
23:09Get out!
23:12Let's go.
23:19You bastard!
23:21How dare you bully me!
23:23Just wait!
23:33Well, you regret it now?
23:59She was murdered in the same brutal way.
24:02Clearly it was done by the same person.
24:04The victim is Cui Lian from Tingyin Pavilion.
24:06She's twenty years old.
24:09Get out of the way!
24:13Sir, please listen to my grievance!
24:15I picked up Cui Lian yesterday
24:17and we were supposed to go to the theater,
24:18but we had a fight and she asked to leave.
24:22I had no choice but to let her get off halfway.
24:25It never occurred to me that...
24:28Sir, please believe me.
24:29I didn't do it, sir.
24:33I suppose you've got no guts to do it.
24:34Take him away. Wait for interrogation.
24:36Move. Thank you, sir.
24:43Xiaohu, hand down my order
24:46that a brutal murder is at large,
24:48targeting young women.
24:50So from now on all young women
24:55should stay at home at night.
24:57Yes, sir.
25:18I thought you wouldn't come.
25:20Give me the waist tag.
25:21Relax. Sit down and have some tea.
25:24Don't be so angry.
25:27Sit down.
25:34What do you want?
25:35What do I want?
25:37I just want to talk to you
25:40and make friends with you.
25:44What I want to say is
25:47if you agree, I promise you that I will treat you well,
25:52and never see you as a servant.
25:56I'm not a servant.
25:58In Ye's mansion,
26:00she treats you the way
26:02she treats her dogs, horses, and birds.
26:04Am I wrong?
26:06Give me the waist tag.
26:09Wanna bet?
26:13What if I say
26:17the bet is about your master Yuan'an?
26:20What do you want?
26:22I want you to realize
26:24whether you matter much to her or not.
26:27I have no doubt that you are interested in it.
26:32I will ask her to let you be my servant,
26:34If she rejects, it means she cares about you.
26:37and if she says yes, you'll stay with me. What do you think?
26:47You are afraid, aren't you?
26:49You know deep down that she will let you stay with me.
26:52Yuan'an won't do such a thing.
26:59Take this.
27:11You won't need it in the future.
27:13Just keep it as a souvenir.
27:21Miss Shui Yue.
27:23I was thinking of you.
27:24I learned some make-up skills.
27:26I'll teach you.
27:27Really? That's wonderful.
27:28Let's go.
27:47Heat it up,
27:50and curl it on your eyelashes.
27:55See, it worked.
27:56You are so beautiful.
28:01My eyelash looks like a foreigner's.
28:05Miss Shui Yue, you are so kind.
28:08I don't know how to express my gratitude.
28:12If you really want to thank me,
28:15give me a gift.
28:17What do you want for a gift?
28:18I'll give it to you as long as
28:20I'm capable of obtaining it.
28:23To be honest,
28:25I want a person instead of a gift.
28:31Mu Le?
28:32How clever you are!
28:41Miss, you probably don't know this,
28:43but ever since he came into our mansion,
28:45has gotten into a lot of trouble.
28:46And he is different from common servants.
28:49So if you chose him as your servant,
28:51you would be asking for trouble.
28:53If you think it's unnecessary...
28:55Well, we're as close as sisters,
28:57so I'll tell you the truth,
28:59even you will see it as a joke.
29:01I've already been secretly engaged with Mu Le.
29:06Don't make fun of me.
29:07You are Prince Nanjing's granddaughter,
29:09with an extremely noble status.
29:11How...how can you secretly be engaged with a servant?
29:14What matters is our affections for each other.
29:18When you are in love,
29:19you don't care about status.
29:24What you are saying is
29:25Mu Le feels the same about you?
29:31A few days ago,
29:32he gave me a pair of precious earrings
29:34as a token of love.
29:38Could you borrow me some money?
29:42But I didn't take it.
29:46If you are in love,
29:48why didn't you?
29:50I wanted to but I couldn't.
29:53We will have a promising future
29:55only if he is a free man.
29:58You'll wish us happy and set him free, right?
30:02Dear sister, follow me.
30:14Mu Le.
30:19Mu Le.
30:24I've got to ask you something.
30:30You've known Shui Yue for a long time, right?
30:40You borrowed money from me to buy her earrings?
30:47Well, then...
30:50Mu Le.
30:52Yuan'an knew.
30:55You saved me on the street,
30:56waited for me in the rain,
30:59gave me precious earring,
31:01and met me in the teahouse.
31:04I told her all.
31:10You can go with her.
31:12From now on,
31:13you're no longer a servant of Ye's Mansion.
31:18You want to give me away.
31:20No. I'm not giving you away.
31:23I'm setting you free.
31:25Isn't it what you've wanted all along?
31:33Mu Le, I told you so.
31:35Your master is generous.
31:37She will say yes
31:38as long as I express my wish.
31:42She won't care about such a trivial matter.
31:47Now, come with me and go pack you stuff.
31:50I've got nothing left.
31:55Take it.
32:22Thank you. See you.
32:24Shui Yue.
32:27What's wrong?
32:31I've been nice to you all along,
32:33but you keep taking advantage of me.
32:35If you had told me from the start,
32:39I would have already set him free.
32:41However, you tricked me.
32:44From now on we're not friends anymore.
32:48Take care of yourself.
32:54And be good to him.
32:59You regret it now? It's too late.
33:03Relax. I'll treat him better than you.
33:06He's one of our servants,
33:09so if he's unhappy,
33:12you'll pay for it.
33:33Where on earth are the Divine Beads?
33:38Infanta, have you found the book?
33:40Miss Shui Yue has returned.
33:43Please come out.
33:46If Miss Shui Yue knows that I let you in,
33:49I... I'll be dead meat.
34:12How can a young girl have this?
34:17Infanta, I beg you!
34:19Please come out.
34:26Infanta, please leave.
34:28Miss Shui Yue is coming in.
34:30I'm done here.
34:31This way please.
34:47Miss, you are back.
34:50Infanta Minghui, you're here again.
34:52I have to. My brother's worried about Prince Nanjing's health.
34:58You're about to leave?
35:00There's a dinner party in General Guo's mansion tonight.
35:04I have to make some preparations.
35:06Goodbye. Sorry for not seeing you out.
35:08Miss, I'll see Infanta out.
35:38Don't be shy.
35:45Miss. Miss.
35:48You all leave now.
35:49Yes, miss.
36:05Take a good look.
36:07Everything in this room is worth a fortune.
36:09I try my best to make you become a master
36:13instead of a servant.
36:15You're still unhappy about that?
36:24Why don't you tell me?
36:26What exactly do you want?
36:31That stinky stable,
36:35or the leaking thatched house?
36:44I know what you're thinking.
36:48You miss Ye Yuan'an, don't you?
36:53Where's your self-esteem?
36:55If she cared about you,
36:56how could she have let you go?
37:05You're right.
37:08She doesn't care about me.
37:11Forget about her. Let's start over.
37:14After all this time,
37:16you've come back to me again.
37:19We're meant to be together.
37:21Don't you think so?
37:49What are you doing?
37:51Your face...
37:59You're mistaken!
38:06That's strange.
38:07How can her face be displaced?
38:11Could she be a monster?
38:18Where's my medicine?
38:20I put it here.
38:22How can I not be able to find it?
38:33Miss, can I help you?
38:35Tell me. Have someone entered my room
38:38and stolen my stuff?
38:40nobody came into your room
38:43besides maid servants.
38:46No. Someone must have come in.
38:49please tell me what is lost,
38:51so I can send servants looking for it.
38:54Be honest now.
38:55Infanta Minghui visited our mansion several times,
38:58so it must be her.
38:59Miss, you do her wrong.
39:01She was here to deliver medicine
39:04and never entered your room.
39:06Out. Get out!
39:08Yes, miss.
39:12It's all over.
39:15Good days are over.
39:24Don't make fun of me.
39:25Miss Ye, stop being so modest.
39:27That's right.
39:32Miss Ye, I heard that you have many talents.
39:35I've heard it too.
39:36We've heard that you're special.
39:38We're looking forward to it.
39:40So what do you plan to show us?
39:41Good evening, Mr. Zhao. Let's go.
39:44Come on.
39:52You're still mad at me?
39:54I don't dare to be mad.
39:56After you left that day
39:57I contemplated for a long time.
39:59What I did was wrong.
40:01You were well-intentioned. I shouldn't have been angry with you.
40:03But you have to promise me
40:05that you will never do such a dangerous thing.
40:07Because I...
40:09I'm deeply worried about you.
40:18Considering that you are sincere,
40:23I forgive you.
40:29This is a party for girls.
40:31What are you doing here?
40:35Is the murderer here?
40:38Haven't you captured the murderer already?
41:03♫ Tired off and lights out, it's about to dawn. ♫
41:06♫ I never speak out my love sickness. ♫
41:08♫ In my dream, we are falling into sweet love. ♫
41:13♫ Everyone wants a lifelong lover, ♫
41:16♫ but the passion fades away with time. ♫
41:22♫ I'm stubborn and you're reluctant. ♫
41:27♫ Antagonistic love is so absurd. ♫
41:32♫ We can't be reconciled to the past. ♫
41:41♫ What sweet time we have, ♫
41:51♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫
42:03♫ I lead a wandering life in the world, ♫
42:05♫ pursuing the traces left by you. ♫
42:08♫ I hope to get acquaintance with you. ♫
42:12♫ Recalling the previous love and hatred with you, ♫
42:15♫ I think we live a worthwhile life. ♫
42:21♫ What sweet time we have, ♫
42:30♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫
42:40♫ What sweet time we have, ♫
42:50♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫
