VIDEO: Booger McFarland rants about Odell Beckham Jr. not relieving himself in his pants | US Today News

  • 6 years ago
If you’re not aware, some NFL players relieve themselves without going to the bathroom during games.

New York Giants receiver Odell Beckham Jr. apparently isn’t one of them, at least on Monday Night Football. When he ran to the locker room as the Atlanta Falcons worked on offense, it turned out he had to use the bathroom.

That led to Monday Night Football‘s Booger McFarland to rant about what he did during his playing days:

“We would do that on the sideline. I didn’t need to go to the back for that. We just kind of sat down on the bench and do your business and move on. That’s what we did! … These diva wide receivers want to go to the bathroom. As a defensive lineman, we didn’t go to the bathroom. You sat on the bench, did your business and got up.

Beckham heading to the locker room to use the facilities makes him a diva? Okay.