Making up a bottle feed correctly is important for your baby's health. Our easy step-by-step guide should answer all your questions and give you that extra reassurance.
As far as bonding goes, bottle-feeding mothers can revel in the same close contact as their breastfeeding friends. In many ways, you're actually better placed to give your baby 100% of your relaxed attention without any stresses over sore nipples, latching on or whether your newborn is taking on enough milk.
So here's our no-nonsense guide to getting bottle feeding right for your baby.
You will need:
At least six bottles and 10 teats (teats have a habit of getting lost, and should be replaced regularly anyway).
Formula powder. It can be an idea to practise making up a feed in advance, before your baby's screaming with hunger and you're all fingers and thumbs.
- A clean, descaled kettle.
9 methods of safe bottle feeding
By midwife Janet Fyle
1. The water must be actually boiling when it is mixed with the powder. Never mix cooled boiled water with the powdered formula as the powder itself is not sterile, so neither will the feed be. If you're away from home, take a flask of hot boiled water with you and mix while still hot. Ready-mix cartons are another option.
2. If you're making up several feeds in advance, mix the milk with boiling water then cool down the mixed feed as fast as possible. Store in the fridge for no more than 24 hours. Never leave a feed standing around at room temperature.
3. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when mixing formula and use the scoop provided. Don't be tempted to add in extra powder -- it will alter the sodium balance of the feed and can dangerously overload your baby with salt.
4. Level off the top of each scoop of formula powder with a knife to make sure you're not overloading the feed. And never guess the amount.
5. Never keep half-drunk feeds for re-heating later. Milk is likely to go off and give your baby an upset tummy.
6. Once mixed, allow the feed to cool until it reaches body temperature -- squirt a little on to your inner arm or wrist to check it's not too hot.
7. Choose an appropriate formula for your baby's age, according to manufacturer's instructions. Ordinary cow's milk is not suitable for babies until they reach 12 months.
8. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the quantity of milk to feed your baby each day. Do not exceed them without consulting your midwife or health visitor first as with bottles it is possible to overfeed, causing obesity.
9. Do not mix feeds with bottled mineral water. This can be extremely dangerous as the balance of sodium (salt) will be wrong. Always use tap water from the cold tap, as water from the hot tap may have been sitting in a tank and is not safe to drink.
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As far as bonding goes, bottle-feeding mothers can revel in the same close contact as their breastfeeding friends. In many ways, you're actually better placed to give your baby 100% of your relaxed attention without any stresses over sore nipples, latching on or whether your newborn is taking on enough milk.
So here's our no-nonsense guide to getting bottle feeding right for your baby.
You will need:
At least six bottles and 10 teats (teats have a habit of getting lost, and should be replaced regularly anyway).
Formula powder. It can be an idea to practise making up a feed in advance, before your baby's screaming with hunger and you're all fingers and thumbs.
- A clean, descaled kettle.
9 methods of safe bottle feeding
By midwife Janet Fyle
1. The water must be actually boiling when it is mixed with the powder. Never mix cooled boiled water with the powdered formula as the powder itself is not sterile, so neither will the feed be. If you're away from home, take a flask of hot boiled water with you and mix while still hot. Ready-mix cartons are another option.
2. If you're making up several feeds in advance, mix the milk with boiling water then cool down the mixed feed as fast as possible. Store in the fridge for no more than 24 hours. Never leave a feed standing around at room temperature.
3. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when mixing formula and use the scoop provided. Don't be tempted to add in extra powder -- it will alter the sodium balance of the feed and can dangerously overload your baby with salt.
4. Level off the top of each scoop of formula powder with a knife to make sure you're not overloading the feed. And never guess the amount.
5. Never keep half-drunk feeds for re-heating later. Milk is likely to go off and give your baby an upset tummy.
6. Once mixed, allow the feed to cool until it reaches body temperature -- squirt a little on to your inner arm or wrist to check it's not too hot.
7. Choose an appropriate formula for your baby's age, according to manufacturer's instructions. Ordinary cow's milk is not suitable for babies until they reach 12 months.
8. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the quantity of milk to feed your baby each day. Do not exceed them without consulting your midwife or health visitor first as with bottles it is possible to overfeed, causing obesity.
9. Do not mix feeds with bottled mineral water. This can be extremely dangerous as the balance of sodium (salt) will be wrong. Always use tap water from the cold tap, as water from the hot tap may have been sitting in a tank and is not safe to drink.
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