• 7 years ago
劉思涵Koala 招牌敘事情歌
英文版感性發聲《Silent Wish》

在《Silent Wish》的封面視覺中,暖黃色的光線滿溢,思涵在前景陰影遮擋下,眼神深情望向前方卻仿佛無法表達出自己內心的期許,唯有默默祝福希望對方能夠幸福。雖然率性的思涵一面勸說大家不要做別人單方面呼來喚去的保姆,但內心柔軟的她也著實心疼這些為愛不顧一切犧牲付出的朋友。
此次英文版編曲相比原版的娓娓道來更多了一些帶有重量的鼓點,像一個即將要出發獨自遠行的人,每一步向前走的不舍都藏著不甘心的落寞。來自質感女聲劉思涵的《Silent Wish》,希望大家都能在這個浪漫八月,許下願望,收穫幸福。

KKBOX: https://goo.gl/Ux2u6Y
MyMusic: https://goo.gl/9bS9Ec
friDay音樂: https://goo.gl/H4t8xe
Spotify: https://goo.gl/4pW9wq
iTunes: https://goo.gl/54GfBw
中華來電答鈴: https://goo.gl/PgFwx2

Silent Wish


The way we met was like a movie(我們相遇的方式就如一部電影)
The kind no one will admit they still believe(那種大家都不願承認還相信的電影)
The way we said goodbye was a sad song(我們說再見的方式是一首悲歌)
The kind everyone knows how to sing along(那種大家都會跟著唱的歌)

Let's not waste tears reliving the pain(我們就別浪費淚水重複我們的痛苦)
All that matters is I know we must let go(現在唯一重要的是我知道我們必須放手)
As the dreams I planned to share with you(當我曾計畫與你分享的夢想)
Tiptoe quietly to bed(悄悄地去睡了)
I will leave behind this sweet life of two(我會放下兩人的生活)
And things better left unsaid(和那些不必要說的話)

I wish you well(我願你好)
I wish you all the love you ask(願你得到所有你尋求的愛)
I wish you freedom from the past(願你能放下過去得到自由)
A light to guide you through the darkest expanse(願你有一盞引導你越過黑暗空間的燈)

And if I could(如果可以)
I’d wish for one more chance to kiss(我也但願我能再有一次機會)
The smile that once lit up your lips(親吻曾點亮你嘴唇的微笑)
But this will stay my silent wish(但這只會是一個無聲的願望)

The way we met was like a movie(我們相遇的方式就如一部電影)
The kind no one will admit they still believe(那種大家都不願承認還相信的電影)
The way we said goodbye was a sad song(我們說再見的方式是一首悲歌)
The kind everyone knows how to sing along(那種大家都會跟著唱的歌)

Let's not waste tears reliving the pain(我們就別浪費淚水重複我們的痛苦)
All that matters is I know we must let go(現在唯一重要的是我知道我們必須放手)
As the dreams I planned to share with you(當我曾計畫與你分享的夢想)
Tiptoe quietly to bed(悄悄地去睡了)
I will leave behind this sweet life of two(我會放下兩人的生活)
And things better left unsaid(和那些不必要說的話)

I wish you well(我願你好)
I wish you all the love you ask(願你得到所有你尋求的愛)
I wish you freedom from the past(願你能放下過去得到自由)
A light to guide you through the darkest expanse(願你有一盞引導你越過黑暗空間的燈)

And if I could(如果可以)
I’d wish for one more chance to kiss(我也但願我能再有一次機會)
The smile that once lit up your lips(親吻曾點亮你嘴唇的微笑)
But this will stay my silent wish(但這只會是一個無聲的願望)

They will say I should’ve fought for what is mine(他們會說我應該為自己戰鬥)
They will say I was a fool to step aside(他們會說讓位的我是傻子)
But if my love is keeping your new dreams from shining bright(但如果是我的愛讓你的新 夢想無法發光)
I will hide my tears and watch you fly(我會藏住淚水看你飛翔)

I wish you well(我願你好)
I wish you all the love you ask(願你得到所有你尋求的愛)
I wish you freedom from the past(願你能放下過去得到自由)
A light to guide you through the darkest expanse(願你有一盞引導你越過黑暗空間的燈)

And if I could(如果可以)
I’d wish for one more chance to kiss(我也但願我能再有一次機會)
The smile that once lit up your lips(親吻曾點亮你嘴唇的微笑)
But this will stay my silent wish(但這只會是一個無聲的願望)

If I could(如果可以)
I’d wish for one more chance


