Two Australian fishermen were reeling in squid, when one got more than he bargained for as one squid didn't want to get caught and inked him in the face.
The two men can be seen chatting as they reel in squid off the coast of Adelaide, South Australia last Saturday (November 3). The filmer, Casey Mitchell, was leading his friend, Jarrad Edwards, by several squid caught but both remained comptetitive.
Edwards then reels one small squid in after several attempts, only to have it squirt ink into his face, coating his left side, before it wriggled out of his hands back into the water.
Edwards seemed pretty disgusted by the slimy encounter, but Mitchell found it hilarious with both posing for an inky after image.
The two men can be seen chatting as they reel in squid off the coast of Adelaide, South Australia last Saturday (November 3). The filmer, Casey Mitchell, was leading his friend, Jarrad Edwards, by several squid caught but both remained comptetitive.
Edwards then reels one small squid in after several attempts, only to have it squirt ink into his face, coating his left side, before it wriggled out of his hands back into the water.
Edwards seemed pretty disgusted by the slimy encounter, but Mitchell found it hilarious with both posing for an inky after image.