Florida man catches largestpython in South Florida

  • 6 years ago
HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA — A man nabbed a 5-meter-long Burmese python, the largest one found in South Florida to date.

Snake hunter, Kyle Penniston is now being hailed a hero in his hometown of Homestead, Florida and for good reason. He managed to catch the largest Burmese python in South Florida to date and he gave it a good battle.

Penniston was riding along a levee when he spotted a snake in the water. He stopped to to catch it, as was his duty as a snake hunter for the South Florida Water Management District. Little did he know he was going to come face to face with a 5-meter-long beast.

Penniston tried pulling it out of the water but received gnarly snake bites instead. Unfortunately, not even his pistol could save. The bullet he wanted to use to finish the beast was jammed in the chamber.

Finally, the snake tired of wrestling Penniston and that's where he took the chance to drag her out into the dirt road. He then — successfully — loaded his gun and as he nicely put it, euthanized it.

Burmese pythons have been labeled an invasive species in the Florida Everglades. According to the South Florida Water Management District, "Eliminating invasive species such as Burmese pythons is critical to preserving the rare Everglades ecosystem." .

Talk about man vs wild.
