• 7 years ago
WHILE most 11 year olds are only interested in watching YouTube videos and playing Fortnite, Shelby Counterman would rather spend time with her enormous INSECT collection. Shelby from Claremore, Oklahoma, is an insect and reptile enthusiast living in Claremore, Oklahoma. The pre-teen became obsessed with creepy crawlies when she was just 18 months old and has been collecting all kinds of bugs since she was three. Shelby currently has approximately 1,400 insects, comprising of about 20 different species of roaches, including lobster roaches, question mark roaches and hissing roaches. As well as stick insects, mealworms, Monarch butterflies, a corn snake and a Mediterranean house gecko. Her prized possession is a Simandoa cave roach, which is extinct in the wild.

