Two Koreas to discuss cooperation in aviation on Friday; almost 100 business people to visit N. Korea tomorrow

  • 6 years ago
남북, 금요일에 항공 실무회의 개최... 상공인 97명은 내일부터 방북

Delegations from the two Koreas are meeting on Friday at the joint liaison office north of the border... to discuss possible cooperation in the aviation sector.
Seoul's unification ministry said,... last week, that Pyeongyang suggested the meeting and Seoul accepted it.
The South's delegation will be led by a senior official from the transport ministry... and the North's... by the deputy director-general of the regime's aviation administration.
According to the unification ministry... discussions will center around whether there will be any areas the two sides could work together on... within the framework of international sanctions.
Meanwhile, almost a hundred South Korean business people begin a four-day visit to Pyeongyang tomorrow.
Their trip is to attend an event held there... for Koreans involved in overseas businesses.


