【ENG SUB】盛唐幻夜 33 | An Oriental Odyssey 33(吴倩、郑业成、张雨剑、董琦主演)

  • 6年前
►An Oriental Odyssey Full Playlist: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x63cc6

盛唐洛阳,户部侍郎千金叶远安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被杀案中,误打误撞,结识了英勇的捕头赵澜之。两人携手破案 ,相识相知。远安从集市上救了一个身份神秘的失忆男子穆乐,收为家仆,岂料这个一根筋的男生对自己绝对忠诚,渐渐萌发爱恋痴念。在罗天洞、景王府等案件中,三人配合紧密,屡破奇案,并挫败了隐藏于这些案件背后的国师天桥夺取至宝九星念珠的阴谋。天桥之徒明慧郡主爱上澜之,以远安性命胁迫澜之成亲。远安倍感失落,赌气要嫁给穆乐,却被穆乐误会。穆乐伤心之余,发现自己竟是娑罗国落难王子,于是盗走刻有奇门异术的九星念珠,回国复仇,远安和赵澜之、明慧追踪而来,四人携手平定了祸乱,他们也因此找到了真爱所在。

Ye Yuan'an, the daughter of the vice-minister of ministry of finance, encountered with the brave head constable, Zhao Lanzhi in a prostitute-killed case. They solve the case together and gradually fall in love. On the journey, Ye saves Mu Le, who lost his memories, from a bazaar. Then the stubborn Mu becomes Ye's servant and is quite loyal to her. Afterwards, Ye, Zhao and Mu cooperate closely, trying hard to deal with special cases. Infanta Minghui, the disciple of the state master, Tianqiao, falls in love with Zhao Lanzhi and threatens him to marry her with her life. Besides the secret of Mu’s identity and the chaos to be conquered, the four also have to deal with the complex relationships between them.

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00:00[♫ Are you still waiting? ♫]
00:04[♫ The wind blows away the sand. ♫]
00:07[♫ The past prosperity vanishes. ♫]
00:10[♫ I'm alone in the world. ♫]
00:14[♫ Your profile is drowned in the darkness. ♫]
00:20[♫ My memory goes wrong. ♫]
00:23[♫ I can't hold your hands. ♫]
00:29[♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫]
00:32[♫ I'm afraid even I doubt myself.♫]
00:36[♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫]
00:41[♫ they are not real. ♫]
00:43[♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫]
00:46[♫ I want to give you more. ♫]
00:49[♫ The more I do, the more mistakes I make. ♫]
00:53[♫ I'm always by your side. ♫]
00:57[♫ I'm waiting for you. ♫]
01:04[♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫]
01:06[♫ I don't forget your persistence. ♫]
01:10[♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫]
01:15[♫ they are all real. ♫]
01:17[♫ How many words are left unsaid? ♫]
01:20[♫ I don't want to be the only one in love. ♫]
01:24[♫ How to break through all the barriers? ♫]
01:29[An Oriental Odyssey]
01:33[Episode 33]
01:36I was wronged, Sir. Let me out.
01:38Sir, all the suspicious treasure sellers, jewelry vendors
01:42in the city are arrested.
01:43These are the beads handed in by them.
01:46None of these is what we're looking for.
01:48Don't take these weird things back again.
01:51Only three days left now.
01:52Hurry up.
01:58You need special means to deal with them.
02:01They would tell you all the things if you put them to torture.
02:07This is lynch abusing.
02:11What time is it now?
02:12You'd better be clear that we would both die without the bead.
03:00[Have some.]
04:02[♫ Are you still waiting? The wind blows away the sand. ♫]
04:08[♫ The past prosperity vanishes. I'm alone in the world.♫]
04:15[♫ Your profile is drowned in the darkness. ♫]
04:21[♫ My memory goes wrong. ♫]
04:25[♫ I can't hold your hands. ♫]
04:31[♫ How many problems are left unsolved? ♫]
04:34[♫ I'm afraid even I doubt myself.♫]
04:38[♫ Those unforgettable feelings in my heart, ♫]
04:43[♫ they are not real. ♫]
04:44[How can you do the business without taking care of the goods?]
04:47[I'll take them all.]
04:48[♫ I want to give you more. ♫]
04:51[♫ The more I do, the more mistakes I make. ♫]
04:55Why are you doing this?
04:58[I don't need your kindness.]
05:00[Get out!]
05:08[I understand.]
05:12[You said that you liked me.]
05:14[But actually you love Zhao Lanzhi.]
05:33I didn't expect you have the courage to come here.
05:36I thought you had already escaped
05:38after such a big accident.
05:46Do you think you can get rid of this by saying nothing?
05:49Do you think he can come to you? You are such a stupid...
05:51Stupid girl, right?
05:56I was cheated to drink the poisonous wine and did what you made me to do.
05:59I took Mu Le in but was betrayed by him.
06:02I am stupid, really.
06:04Are you happy watching me being silly?
06:07You can be silly,
06:08but never get others into trouble.
06:11Ye Yuan'an,
06:12we are looking for him together.
06:14Why do you sit here and do nothing?
06:17Go, come with me.
06:19I am tired now, I need rest.
06:22Get up, stand up.
06:24I won't go!
06:26If you want to do that then go, get out!
06:28It's been four days.
06:29You are not afraid of death.
06:31But have you ever thought of others?
06:33It just leaves a big scar if you get beheaded.
06:35I don't want to go, what can you do with me?
06:40Are you insane? You dare to hit me?
06:42I am hitting you!
06:43I am waking you up, a selfish woman!
06:46Ye Yuan'an,
06:47do you know why I hate you so deep?
06:49Because you are a trouble maker who need others to help you out.
06:58Don't look at me like that.
07:01I am telling the truth.
07:03You hate him now, don't you?
07:06You hate him cheating on you,
07:07but you are angrier that you cannot do anything.
07:12Do you think it can get well if you sleep?
07:14No, everything would get worse.
07:17All the people will die for it.
07:19Do you want this?
07:21If I were you, Ye Yuan'an,
07:23I would find him by hook or by crook.
07:26I would make him regret cheating me.
07:35I just got married.
07:39I will live with Zhao Lanzhi for the rest of my life.
07:43I think I have a lot of happy days later.
07:46I don't want to be killed by the Empress.
07:49So please think what he did and what he said that could help us.
08:16Why are you here?
08:19I know how we can find Mu Le.
08:22Follow me.
08:37Sir, I heard that you got promoted
08:41after the case of Qianduan Brothel.
08:45And you got a job at Court of Judicature and Revision.
08:47What brings you here?
08:50Calling you here is to ask you about someone.
08:56I saw you before.
08:59You are the busybody.
09:02I knew you are a girl.
09:05Shut up!
09:07Look at this.
09:10Isn't he the servant bought by you?
09:14Yes, I remember that you got him at Annam province.
09:18Yes, what's wrong?
09:20Where is the exact place?
09:23I can't recall, it's been too long.
09:27Then I'll help you recall if you can't.
09:29Do you remember?
09:31Please try to recall.
09:33If you know it,
09:34I'll ask the jailer to prepare good food for you.
09:37If you can't...
09:39Okay, okay, fine. I remember.
09:41I remember, I remember.
09:44It was at the southwest of Annam province.
09:49That road was dangerous, no one dared to go there.
09:52So it's convenient for us to transfer the Opium to the Tang.
10:00Hurry, hurry up.
10:01Be quick.
10:05Hurry up.
10:06What are you waiting for? Move.
10:09Go, quickly. Hurry up.
10:18Be quick.
10:22What's that?
10:27It's a man.
10:40Li Gui, wake him up with some water.
10:58Go, be quick, go.
11:01Go, don't fall behind.
11:04Be quick.
11:07What are you waiting for? Go.
11:08What are you doing?
11:10Hurry up! What are you doing?
11:11What are you doing? Do you want to die?
11:13Do you want to die?
11:14What are you doing, little boy?
11:17What are you looking?
11:18Do your job, hurry up!
11:24Don't look at me, go!
11:29Be quick!
11:31Don't fall behind, be quick.
11:33The road leads to Tang at one end.
11:35Where does the other lead to?
11:37To the Xiuluo or Tuoluo.
11:44It's Suoluo Kingdom.
11:46How do you know?
11:48I worked at Annam province before.
11:49I heard the soldiers of the two kingdoms battled.
11:51So I know it.
11:54I remembered that he said Huole De Tuotuo...
12:06You are here, Sir Ling Xi. This way please.
12:08The food is ready. Sit down.
12:13Do you know these words?
12:18Do you know these words?
12:23Huole De Tuotuo...
12:25What does it mean?
12:28Nine Divine Beads.
12:33Sir, my name is Ling Xi.
12:36I am from Suoluo.
12:37I only do some small business these years in Luoyang.
12:41I just know the words on it.
12:43Why am I brought to this place?
12:46Believe me, Sir.
12:47I didn't do anything illegal.
12:52Don't be afraid.
12:54I just want to ask you about a person.
13:03I never saw him.
13:05One more time.
13:07I don't know him.
13:10I'll give you another chance, did you see him before?
13:15I really don't know him.
13:27It's a bat.
13:29It's blue.
13:31Put it down, don't touch my bat!
13:38I am a little hungry, I want to eat roasted bat.
13:41Don't do that, put it down.
13:43It's my treasure, my life.
13:46You are so cruel, you have no heart.
13:48It's our business.
13:49How can you kill such a beautiful animal?
13:51Three, two...
13:53Wait, I...
13:56I might know him.
13:58I'll tell you all as long as you put it down.
14:04The Emperor and Empress of Suoluo have two sons.
14:09Prince Heng and Prince Ying.
14:12The man on the picture looks like Prince Ying.
14:25If he really is the prince of Suoluo,
14:27how could he pretend a servant for Nine Divine Beads?
14:30He is so complicated.
14:33I couldn't understand what
14:35he could do with the beads as he is only a servant.
14:39Now I know who he is,
14:41I finally understand.
14:44He pretended as a loyal servant,
14:47actually he is an ill-minded undercover.
14:49Don't talk nonsense.
14:52You are just a civilian, how can you know the prince?
14:55And how can you know his face?
14:58To be honest, Lady,
15:01my small business is reselling servants.
15:07My guests are some high-ranking officials.
15:10They sometimes may take me to palace for the social engagement.
15:13So I saw Prince Ying at the palace and got the chance to know him.
15:18I am telling the truth.
15:21Can you give my baby back to me?
15:30That's all what happened.
15:32The Prince of Suoluo pretend to be a servant
15:34just for the Nine Divine Beads.
15:37He is so scheming.
15:38No wonder Yuan'an was cheated by him.
15:42How dare he to play tricks with me!
15:47If I don't send my army to fight with them,
15:49he thinks we cannot beat them down.
15:52Please think twice, my Empress. Only civilians suffers
15:54if two kingdoms get into fight.
15:56I'd worked for a long time at Annam province.
15:58I know that people at Suoluo is fierce and fond of witchcraft
16:01though it is such a small place.
16:04Besides, the accident of losing Nine Divine Beads.
16:06Although the Prince is the most probable suspect,
16:08we have no evidence that the Royal asked him to do that.
16:11It would not be good to us if we start the battle.
16:14Are you asking me to let them own this treasure?
16:20Appease your anger.
16:21Nine Divine Beads are our national treasure.
16:23How can I see it being kept outside our nation?
16:25I can come to Suoluo and find the beads back secretly.
16:33Empress, I'd like to go as well.
16:37Your love is so deep.
16:41I have something to say.
16:44Go ahead.
16:45This happens because of me.
16:47The Prince hide in Tang and cheat me by being my servant.
16:53So it's my duty to go there and get the beads back.
17:00Ye Yuan'an, you have a close relationship with Mu Le.
17:05Can you do that?
17:07Since he has done this to me,
17:10our relationship is irreconcilable.
17:12So no one is more suitable than me.
17:16Hope Empress can let me do it.
17:23It makes sense.
17:26Then I'll send you to do it.
17:28Zhao Lanzhi, Minghui.
17:30You go together with her and help her.
17:33I'll give you a month.
17:34Get the beads and our honor back.
17:38Please let me go there alone.
17:42If I fail to get it back alone and die there,
17:49it's not late to send others to Suoluo.
17:52I just want to see my father before setting off.
17:58You have my approval.
18:00Thanks, my Empress.
18:02[She is crazy!]
18:04[She will die if she goes there alone.]
18:10Mother, mother!
18:13What's wrong?
18:15Tell me.
18:24mother, brother and you have to stay here for a couple of days.
18:32I have to be away for a few days.
18:34I'll pick you up as soon as I finish my work.
18:38My kid,
18:39tell me, what's going on?
18:44How long will you be away and where are you going?
18:47Be careful on your way.
18:51Don't you worry, it's fine.
18:58I am useless.
19:00I can't protect you.
19:02Don't say that, father.
19:05I'll be back as soon as possible.
19:07We will soon get together.
19:12You have to be careful, my daughter.
19:39I am in a hurry, be quick.
19:43Listen, Yuan'an.
19:45The original plan is that you go with that guy and leave Luoyang.
19:48There is a courier station 100 miles away.
19:50Stay there for a day and wait for me.
19:52And then I will take Sir Ye and madam
19:54and your brother there and you can leave this place.
19:57What do you mean?
19:59It's quite a long way from here to Suoluo.
20:01Even though you arrive there,
20:03it would be hard for you to escape because it's dangerous there,
20:05let alone find the beads.
20:07Since you know it's impossible to find the beads,
20:10why not leave this place this time?
20:14If my memory serves me well,
20:16you hate doing things illegal deliberately.
20:20But now you...
20:24I can't see you die in front of me.
20:28That's all I can do for you.
20:30But if I leave,
20:31how about the others?
20:33Every problem has a solution.
20:35I'll find ways.
20:36I accept your kindness.
20:39But I go to Suoluo not only to save my families and get the beads,
20:44but also to ask Mu Le face to face.
20:48why are you still being naughty now?
20:50I think I've made things quite clear.
20:52Why don't you understand my care and thought?
20:54I've made up my mind.
21:00prepare a bottle of good wine if you really care about me.
22:14[[Suoluo Kingdom]]
22:39Everybody, our king may pass away tonight.
22:44Your Majesty.
22:57Your Majesty is going to pass away.
23:00We can't have no king.
23:04Today, we have to let Prince Heng out of pagoda.
23:10Who dares to do it?
23:17you have been holding power for quite a while since king is sick.
23:22Now king is about to pass away,
23:25but no one inherits the throne.
23:28Prince Heng is the only heir of the King.
23:31What do you really want to stop him getting out
23:34and inheriting the throne now?
23:38Are you imitating that queen
23:41to kill your kid and be a king?
23:45General Bokai, you worry too much.
23:49I don't want to be a Empress.
23:52Prince Heng is a sinner.
23:54King sent him to the pagoda in flesh.
23:57Now king is still alive,
23:59how can you let this sinner out?
24:03Don't you remember that
24:05Prince Heng is not the only heir?
24:10Prince Ying has been away for such a long time,
24:12nobody knows where he is until now.
24:15We don't even know whether he is still alive.
24:19Are you expecting that he can be back and be king now?
24:22Now king is about to pass away,
24:24Prince Heng must be here.
24:32What are you waiting for?
24:34Let Prince Heng come to the Palace.
25:15Who are you?
25:16Your Majesty is about to pass away.
25:18General Bokai asked us to
25:20welcome Prince Heng to come to the Palace and be the new king.
25:22Do you have Queen Tuoyue's permission?
25:24Are you deaf?
25:25We came here under General Bokai's order.
25:27Open the pagoda quickly!
26:15Welcome Prince Heng back.
26:31My sovereign king,
26:34You were such a healthy and brave man before.
26:39Please open your eyes again,
26:42and look at your wife and courtiers.
26:45Please, don't leave us so quickly.
26:48Please wait for your boy Prince Ying.
26:55Prince Ying is here!
27:09- Prince Ying! - Mother.
27:11Be quick.
27:22Prince Ying brings the beads back for you.
27:26Father, can you hear me?
27:38Master Fale, you must cure king with the beads.
28:49Please, Nine Divine Beads.
28:51Blessing my king and Suoluo.
28:56Blessing my king and Suoluo.
28:59Blessing my king and Suoluo.
29:25All trash!
29:36It's just a little star.
29:39Why is it shining like moon?
29:43Is Prince Ying back?
29:53Prince Ying, it's been hard for you these days.
29:57Since you leave for Tang,
29:59I haven't received any of your messages.
30:02I thought you would never be back.
30:21Sorry for making you worry about me.
30:23It's my fault.
30:25Stand up, stand up.
30:27It's good for you to come back.
30:30I not only get back safely,
30:32but take the beads back as well.
30:33You saved your father's life,
30:35and also the whole Suoluo.
30:37You didn't let me down.
30:43What's wrong?
30:45Who dares to hurt you?
30:50I've forgotten all the things and people in Tang.
31:08The way to Suoluo is dangerous,
31:12you have to be careful.
31:13Thanks, Sir.
31:22Why are you here?
31:24Don't misunderstand.
31:25I never want to see you.
31:28I am just here to remind you that
31:30many people's lives are on you.
31:32You have to get the beads back alive.
31:34Cut the crap.
31:40Wait, wait.
31:42Wait a minute.
31:45Why are you here?
31:48Look at you.
31:50You are leaving for so long this time.
31:51We are such good friends,
31:53I have to see you off.
31:54But why do you dress like this?
31:58I'm ugly if I cry.
31:59I don't want scare you.
32:00Don't act so nice.
32:01If you kept the beads well,
32:03do I have to do this today?
32:05Why are you saying this?
32:07Let bygones be bygones.
32:10I am coming to remind you of something.
32:16Go ahead.
32:17Suoluo is different from Tang.
32:19Not only the weather is hot and full of noxious insects,
32:22Most people there can do witchcraft.
32:24Be careful on your way!
32:27Don't do anything rashly.
32:29Don't worry, I've taken the treasures you gave me.
32:33I put them in my bag for unexpected needs.
32:36You are quite smart.
32:37Besides, I have three tips for you.
32:42The three tips are about sky, earth and people.
32:48The first two tips about sky and earth
32:50can be opened when you are trapped and have nothing to do with it.
32:53The last one about people
32:55can be opened after you get Nine Divine Beads.
32:59Act as we have planed, understand?
33:01It's so mysterious. Why don't I open them now?
33:03You...why can't you keep calm now?
33:11The tips will save your life when something dangerous happens.
33:14Do you want them or not?
33:15Give them back to me, I'll burn them.
33:18I know, I know. I'll keep them.
33:20Don't worry. I won't open them until the most dangerous time.
33:24Anything else?
33:29When I had dinner just now,
33:31I thought that you were leaving today, so I bring this to you.
33:37If you don't feel comfortable on your way,
33:39this may save your life.
33:44Thanks, but it's bit by you.
33:46I accept your kindness.
33:47Don't be worry, I can take care of myself.
33:52It...It works.
33:58Take care of my parents and brother.
34:19I am old,
34:20I can't bear farewell.
34:23She is a lucky girl,
34:24she is smart and brave.
34:26She can be back safely.
34:28She got married with Mu Le that day,
34:32but today she has to do this.
34:37They got married?
34:39When did they get married?
34:41The day when you got married with her.
34:43I was the marriage witness.
34:47The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth.
34:48But if so,
34:50can she make up her mind to fight with him?
34:54Don't be worry.
34:55I have my trump card at the end.
35:08Hurry up, don't drag your feet.
35:12I did the best I could, what do you want?
35:14My baby can't make it even if I can.
35:17I have to stop and give it some water.
35:20Maybe I have no patience one day and salt it, then eat it.
35:27I'll go as soon as I finish feeding it.
35:29[You a terrible girl.]
35:31[You ask me to guide you to Suoluo, but boss around me. ]
35:35[But here is not your Luoyang.]
35:38[Let me see who can kill whom.]
35:44You are not convinced.
35:47How dare me, Miss?
35:49You practised martial arts.
35:51You can ride your horse for a long time.
35:54Not me,
35:56I'm already tired on my way.
36:02There is a hostel not far from here.
36:03Why don't we have a rest there?
36:07The horses need rest.
36:10They are tired.
36:15Let's go.
36:36You haven't been here for a long time.
36:39This girl is...
36:42is the female servant of Suoluo you are going to sell?
36:45Look at her body and face.
36:48You can make a fortune on her, right?
36:50Landlady, don't say that.
36:52You are scaring her.
36:55She is my distant relative.
36:57We have some business to do in Suoluo.
36:59Prepare us some good dishes,
37:02and two deluxe rooms.
37:03We are going to sleep here tonight.
37:08Come on in, come on in.
37:09Come on.
37:20To you, Miss.
37:30Although we are not familiar,
37:31but I admire you.
37:34Look at your skill and the way you ride.
37:37You are such a great woman!
37:39I'm not that great,
37:41I am just skilled.
37:50I'll drink for respect.
38:00Wait a second,
38:01I'll order the landlady to add some dishes.
38:27She is a good-looking girl.
38:34I can earn two more sheep if I sell her to the bandits.
38:41Come on, far more than that,
38:43at least three.
38:46It's quite cheap.
38:52Take her to the wood house.
39:01Ling Xi,
39:03You helped me a lot on my business.
39:06Come on.
39:07Let's have a drink today.
39:15Did you drug me in this cup of wine?
39:21What are you talking about?
39:23My business counts on you.
39:34Here, have some prime beef.
39:47This is prime beef.
39:55Let me tell you,
39:56this time, I...
40:30[♫ Tired off and lights out, it's about to dawn. ♫]
40:32[♫ I never speak out my love sickness. ♫]
40:35[♫ In my dream, we are falling into sweet love. ♫]
40:40[♫ Everyone wants a lifelong lover, ♫]
40:42[♫ but the passion fades away with time. ♫]
40:49[♫ I'm stubborn and you're reluctant. ♫]
40:54[♫ Antagonistic love is so absurd. ♫]
40:58[♫ We can't be reconciled to the past. ♫]
41:07[♫ What sweet time we have, ♫]
41:17[♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫]
41:29[♫ I lead a wandering life in the world, ♫]
41:32[♫ pursuing the traces left by you. ♫]
41:34[♫ I hope to get acquaintance with you. ♫]
41:39[♫ Recalling the previous love and hatred with you, ♫]
41:41[♫ I think we live a worthwhile life. ♫]
41:47[♫ What sweet time we have, ♫]
41:57[♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫]
42:07[♫ What sweet time we have, ♫]
42:17[♫ but only pity stays as time goes by. ♫]
