Moon, Xi agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will be turning point

  • 6 years ago
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is on his way home from after having wrapped up several multilateral and bilateral summit meetings abroad.
He was in Singapore for summits related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and he was Papua New Guinea for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.
Before leaving, he shared with the APEC leaders his vision for an "inclusive nation."
Our Blue House correspondent Shin Se-min reports.
President Moon, after wrapping a two-nation tour that included series of multinational summits and sideline meetings,... is on his way home this Sunday evening.
Earlier in the day,... the president spoke to the leaders of other APEC member nations about his vision of a country that is innovative and inclusive,... and proposed a joint project called the APEC Digital Innovation Fund,... aimed at fostering the Pacific Rim's digital capabilities.
He proposed that other APEC countries use Seoul's "inclusive nation" policy, focused on preventing all discrimination,... as an example so they too can work to build an "inclusive" community.
On Saturday, President Moon met one on one with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, where both leaders said they look forward to the success of the next summit between North Korea and the U.S.,... and to establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula.
The Blue House spokesperson said the leaders both see that summit and Kim Jong-un's planned visit to Seoul as crucial to resolving North Korea issues.
The Chinese leader also said Beijing will continue to play a "constructive" role in supporting Seoul's efforts for peace,... and he unveiled that he plans to visit Pyeongyang next year at Kim Jong-un's invitation.

At the APEC and ASEAN-related meetings, President Moon has managed to meet with three leaders critical to North Korea-related diplomacy -- one, President Xi -- the others being Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.
All of them reaffirmed their commitment to denuclearizing the region and to lasting peace.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
