China's "Artificial Sun"hotter than the Sun

  • 6 years ago
CHINA — China's artificial sun is hotter than THE ACTUAL SUN.

Researchers from China's Hefei Institutes of Physical Science reported its fusion reactor has reached 100 million degrees celsius in plasma, over 6 times the heat generated by the sun's core.

The heat is generated within a device called Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, also known as EAST. The donut-shaped machine supports nuclear fusion by using magnetic fields that keep hot plasma from melting the exterior walls of the device.

According to Futurism, nuclear fusion is a thermonuclear process that occurs when the nuclei of two light atoms, usually hydrogen, combine and form a heavier atom, in this case helium. This process results in release of energy in the form of heat and light — the same way by which the sun produces its warmth.

Researcher's from the EAST project hope to develop technology that will allow humans to extract clean energy from nuclear fusion. Scientists from the ITER project — a multinational experiment aiming to harness nuclear fusion energy — sustain that fusion fuels are almost infinite and do not release harmful gases into the atmosphere.


