S. Korea's total household credit surpasses US$ 1.33 tril. in Q3

  • 6 years ago
South Korea's total amount of household credit, which includes household loans and credit card spending, surpassed one-point-three-three trillion U.S. dollars in the third quarter.
According to a report by the Bank of Korea that was released on Wednesday,... total household debt in the July-to-September period... increased by six-point-seven percent on-year.
Although the *pace of increase is the slowest since the fourth quarter of 2014,.... the central bank pointed out it's faster than the nation's household disposable income growth rate of four-and-a-half percent last year.
Household loans increased by around.... 16-point-four billion dollars compared to the previous quarter,.... which marks a decrease from a 25-billion dollar rise during the same period last year.
The report said,.... the government's stricter loan screening rules attributed to the fall.