Hollywood Smile Makeover @FMS Dental™ - Best Cosmetic Dental Clinic - Hyderabad, India

  • 6 years ago
What is a Hollywood Smile?

For a smile to be classified as a Hollywood smile, it should be nothing less than PERFECT which means a set of absolutely symmetrical and sparkling bright-white colored teeth. Listed below are few important aspects of a Hollywood smile-

The color of the teeth should be in contrast with the color of the skin and the white of the eye. Bright white shade is the most preferable one when it comes to Hollywood smiles.
The Smile line should be parallel to the imaginary line that is formed by joining the pupils of the eyes and edges of the upper teeth should be parallel to the lower lip.
Symmetry– Teeth when viewed from both the sides should be balanced.
Gender-specific- For women, slender and oval shape is recommended for that perfect feminine look whereas for men squarish, slightly bulky and round teeth look better and masculine. Minor procedures like enamel recontouring to veneers can be done to bring about the above mentioned changes.
Balanced gums- The gums should be well-contoured and pale pink in color. The gum-line and the upper lip should be in line with each other thereby, keeping the gum exposure at the minimum. Procedures like gum contouring and gum depigmentation can bring about dramatic changes to the shape, color and texture of the gums.
Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures involved in the Hollywood Smile Makeover

Even though, a number of cosmetic dental procedures are performed to craft a celebrity Smile, two most commonly used procedures are-

Professional Teeth Whitening

Darkening of teeth can happen as a result of aging process or due to the regular consumption of staining food products and beverages like tea or coffee. Professional teeth whitening or bleaching as we commonly know it as, can transform your smile and turn discolored or stained teeth lighter and whiter by many shades.
